A History of The War of 1812 in Illinois - Part of the Illinois Trails History and Genealogy Project. Includes history, maps, correspondence, and rosters. - http://genealogytrails.com/ill/1812hx.htm
Korean War Databases - Search for Korean War casualties. Supplies the branch of the military, cause of death, date of death and other useful information. - http://www.koreanwar.org/html/korean_war_databases.html
British War Graves Online Photo Archive - A volunteer project to document the graves and memorials of British Servicemen and women since the beginning of World War 1. Includes those killed in recent conflicts and Peacekeeping Operations. - http://www.britishwargraves.org.uk
My Families at Antietam - Genealogical research site dedicated to researching those families that had homestead on or near the U.S. Civil War Battle of Antietam. Includes links to family and other related sites. - http://servalstudios.com/antietam/
Pennsylvania Volunteers of the Spanish-American War - Searchable rosters of the PA Spanish American War soldiers. Learn how to locate your Spanish American War ancestor and order his military service and pension records from NARA. - http://www.paspanishamericanwar.com/
Ancestor Search: US Military Records - Use this guide to determine if your ancestor served in the military and learn how to send away to the proper repository for his military service and pension records. - http://www.searchforancestors.com/military.html
Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System - Comprehensive research tool for searching the records of the soldiers and sailors who fought in the Civil War. - http://www.itd.nps.gov/cwss/
2nd Texas Cavalry Company K - 2nd Texas Mounted Rifles - A project to gather history of the men that served and information on this unit. Includes, roster and history of the men and unit. - http://freepages.military.rootsweb.com/~yarbrough
Pennsylvania Volunteers of the Civil War - Searchable Pennsylvania rosters, pension rolls, and histories with hints to find Civil War ancestors. - http://www.pacivilwar.com/
US Military Resource Center - Links to information and records for the US military researcher. - http://www.accessgenealogy.com/military/
Researching a Spanish American War Veteran - A primer of methods for genealogical research of Spanish American War Veterans. Includes troop rosters, links and how-to advice. - http://www.spanamwar.com/geneaol.htm
USCT Ring - A web ring dedicated to descendants, historians, and reenactors of the United States Colored Troops. - http://afamgenealogy.ourfamily.com/usct/
VA National Cemeteries - Address and Phone Numbers of VA National Cemeteries. - http://www.funeralnet.com/info_guide/vet_list.html