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  Ports (5)

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US Ports of Arrival and Their Passenger Records Open in a new windowLink Details
- Genealogical research guide listing every US arrival port with links to finding aids for passenger lists. Includes Canadian and Mexican border crossing records
- http://www.genesearch.com/ports.html

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Angel Island--Panoramic View Open in a new windowLink Details
- Photo held by the Library of Congress.
- http://memory.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/r?ammem/pan:@FIELD(SUBJ+@band(+Angel+Island++San+Francisco+Bay,+Calif.++))

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Ellis Island's Wall of Honor Open in a new windowLink Details
- Search for an ancestor's name or have it added to the Wall of Honor at Ellis Island. A listing found here does not necessarily indicate that immigrant came through Ellis Island.
- http://www.wallofhonor.com/

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Angel Island Immigration Station Open in a new windowLink Details
- Historical information about Angel Island State Park in California, site of the Immigration Station, a National Historic Landmark, which played a role in the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882.
- http://www.angelisland.org/immigr02.html

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