Out Notes - A collection of 'coming out' letters written to friends and family in the search for understanding and acceptance. - http://www.outnotes.com/
Young Gay Men Talking - Young gay men talk about their experiences. Part of Avert.org - http://www.avert.org/ygmt6.htm
Bills' Story - A mother tells how hate drove her son to suicide in spite of a loving supportive family, and what she's doing to fight hate. A large and informative site. Caution: Bills' Story may get to you. - http://www.youth-guard.org/gabi/Bills_Story.html
The Journal - diary of a teen suicide - A story of love and loss told by a gay teenager through his diary (fiction, based on fact). - http://www.true-words.com/truewords/williams/journal.html
Elight - Collections of coming out stories, writings, and opinions. Includes free email, personal ads, and computer safety advice. - http://www.elight.org/