Lesbian STD - Information and ongoing research on sexually transmitted diseases in women who have sex with other women, by the University of Washington Vaginal Health Project. Includes information on bacterial vaginosis, other forms of vaginitis, and their treatment. - http://depts.washington.edu/wswstd/
Network for Battered Lesbians and Bisexual Women - Provides information and resources for battered lesbians, bisexual, and trangender women. Massachusetts hotline and safe homes. - http://www.thenetworklared.org/
Lesbian Health Research Center - University of California center for lesbian health issues, research, information and events. - http://www.lesbianhealthinfo.org
Lesbian Health: Current Assessment and Directions for the Future - Full-length book looks at the state of lesbian health today, and obstacles and challenges for research. Recommendations for the future. Includes bibliography. Searchable page images. - http://www.nap.edu/catalog/6109.html
Coach Sappho - Personal, career, life, and business coaching for lesbians. - http://www.coachsappho.com
Amaranth Womyn: Home and Beyond - Articles, information, and advice concerning womyn's health by professionals in the fields of medicine, natural health, and psychology. - http://amaranthwomyn.com/hbpage-2.html
Mautner Project for Lesbians with Cancer - Support organisation for lesbians with cancer and their love ones; information, resources and conference detail. In English and Spanish. - http://www.mautnerproject.org/