The Bear Ring Webring on WebringSystem - Bringing gay men who identify themselves as bears, otters, cubs, and wolves together with over 1100 members. -
Huzbears on WebringSystem - Huzbears: collection of websites for and about bear couples. For gay men that identify as Bears and their partners. Since 1998. -
Gay Pen Web Ring on WebringSystem - Intended to promote and provide exposure for gay authors of fiction (erotic and otherwise), biography, autobiography, poetry and experimental written works -
Gay Dating on WebringSystem - Place with lots of links to homepages where you can meet other gay friends for dating.!! And other useful links.!! -
Straight Gay Guys Webring on WebringSystem - This site is for guys who, although sure of their sexual orientation, feel like they're "too gay for straight and too straight for gay." -
The Gay Ring - Attempts to create a ring that links gay sites who try to help out people questioning their sexuality, try to help gay people, try to make the world understand that everyone is equal. -
Gay Men's Health (exposing the 'AIDS' myth) - Websites that deal with gay men's health issues including "the myth of so called 'HIV/AIDS'", smoking, substance use, prostate cancer, hepatitis, and body image issues. -
Gay Homepages Online - Webring of guys worldwide with websites or homepages about themselves. -
Gay Goatees Webring on WebringSystem - For and about gay guys who have or like goatees and are turned on by other guys with goatees. -
Gay Cowboy Ring - Pages of gay cowboys, their admirers and other gay sites of western interest. -
Temenos Gay Seniors on Ringsurf - Connecting homepages by and for gay men forty and over. -;action=info
Gay Guys Webring on Ringsurf - This webring connects websites of gay guys all over the world. -;action=index