The Sami Collections - A Sami museum in Norway with a cultural history department, a art collection and an open air museum. -
Saami University College - Fact sheet about the college established in Guovdageaidnu (Kautokeino) in 1989 to cover the needs of higher education and research of the Sami society, and to strengthen Sami professional qualifications in various fields. The college has a responsibility -
The Sámi - Section from the Nordic FAQ on Sámi history, culture, and mythology. -
The Sami of Norway - Factual information published by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Written by Elina Helander. -
Protest against the exploitation of Sami culture - Protest page against exploitation of the native culture in Rovaniemi, Finland. Examples with illustrations. -
Somby, Ande - Cyberilbmi - A joik performer of the Sami or Laplander people, Somby also is a designer and photographer, and he is associate professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Tromsø. -
The Sami Collection - The Norwegian Museum of Cultural History (Norsk Folkemuseum) in Oslo. A short presentation of the Sami resources and links to libraries and Sami Internet sites. -
The Sami and Lapland - - Fact sheet about Lapland and the Sami people living in the north of the Scandinavian peninsula (Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia). -
Forum of Sámi Women - The forum is a network for local and regional development. Information about past an present projects. -
The Centre for Sámi Studies at the University of Tromsø - Various documents about Sámi issues at the University of Tromsø, Norway): Sámi research and education. Indigenous Peoples' Research Network. Research documentation. Sámi Library Resources (in Norwegian). Publications from the University Museum. Downlo -
Northern Lavvu - Makers of Sami tents - Northern Lavvu: offering traditional Sami tents for fellow Sami and friends. Minneapolis-based small-scale manufacturer. Site contains excellent introduction to the Sami tent with illustrations from classical literature. -
The Kola Sami in Russia - From the Red Book of the Peoples of the Russian Empire. "The authors of the present book, who come from a country (Estonia) which has shared the fate of nations in the Russian and Soviet empires, endeavour to publicize the plight of the small nations -
The Sami in Finland - Fact sheet with current and historical information. Includes two maps. -
An Introduction to the Sami People - Presentation and description of the indigenous population of the Scandinavian peninsula. Covers history, language, culture, art, music, politics and the role of reindeer in Sami culture. -