Romany/Gypsy Prayer Guide - The mission of the CBF Romany/Gypsy Team is to mobilize resources necessary to evangelize and disciple unreached Romany/Gypsies worldwide to bring about indigenous, self-reproducing communities of believers. -
Complete Gypsy Bible Scheduled for 1998 - The completion date has since been moved to December 2000. From Greenbelt Interfaith News, November 1997. -
Katholische Zigeunerseelsorge - Aims for a better understanding of Roma, including current activities of the Catholic Church in Germany concerning Roma, in German and English. -
Association of Gypsies/Romani International, Inc. - "A not-for-profit association with the intention of giving glory to God, of preserving, maintaining, promoting our Gypsy culture, ethnicity, pride and integrity" (USA). -