Hellenic Cultural Association - Salt Lake City, UT. Hellenic Cultural Museum. Hellenic Cultural Library. Hellenic Historical Monument. Regional Greek American history. Documentary film information. Contact data. - http://www.pahh.com/hca/index.html
The Hellenic Cultural Society of San Diego, California - The Hellenic Cultural Society is a not-for-profit corporation dedicated to researching, preserving and promoting the great work of the philosophers, historians, mathematicians, scientists, writers, artists and other minds of Greek origin. - http://www.hellenic-culture.org/
Hellenic Cultural Society Prometheas - Social and cultural non-profit organization to promote the ideals of Hellenism, to promote Hellenic culture, and to provide its members with a forum. Events list. News. Reading selection online, the legend of Prometheas. - http://www.prometheas.org
Hellenic American Cultural Association of Colorado - Denver, CO. Seeks to promote an understanding of the influence and contributions of Hellenism on Western Civilization and religion through cultural and educational activities and programs. Announcement of events. List of local organizations. - http://www.hacac.org/
Council of Hellenes Abroad - North & South America - Global non-profit organization, established 1995, to bind Hellenes Philhellenes abroad to those in Greece, with the North & South America branch as its largest arm. News, announcements, viewpoints. Various networks: business, cultural, women, youth. - http://www.saeamerica.org/
Modern Greek Studies Association - A non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of modern Greek studies in the United States and Canada. - http://www.hnet.uci.edu/classics/MGSA/
AHEPA - American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association. International Greek American advocacy organization. Site features news and opinion on Hellenic affairs, legislative action resources, links to local chapters, and descriptions of educational, historic - http://www.ahepa.org/