Estiator Magazine - Monthly national magazine for the Greek-American restaurant owners and the general food industry; offers recipes, business opportunities, and subscription information. -
Popular Greek Recipes - Charleston, SC. Cookbook by the Ladies Philoptochos Society of the Greek Orthodox Church of the Holy Trinity. Announcement of re-printing. Order information. -
Greek - Recipes organized into categories from appetizers to desserts. -
Greek Festivals .com - A number of recipes online, compiled from Greek festivals in America. -
Grecian Plate Cookbook - Durham, NC. The Hellenic Ladies Society, St. Barbara Greek Orthodox Church. Recipes with illustrations, ranging from appetizers to desserts. -
Traditional Recipes: Utah's Greek-Americans - Salt Lake City, UT. 5 recipes, some with historical descriptions, presented by KQED Channel 7, University of Utah. -
Greek Cooking - Carnegie Library, Pittsburgh, PA. Links to web resources about Greek food and cooking, including recipes. -
Greek Cuisine .com - Portal for ingedients and cookbook shopping in the USA. List of restaurants in USA. Recipes online. -
Flavor It Greek: a Celebration of Food, Faith and Family - Portland, OR. Philoptochos Society of the Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church. Cookbook with 300 recipes from real everyday cooks, including grandmothers (yiayias) and grandfathers (papous), mothers and fathers, as well as some of Portland's Greek restaur -