Japanese American National Museum - Provides information on events, exhibits, museum stores and departments, and membership. - http://www.janm.org/
Sushi and Tofu - Provides Japanese culture, news, and restaurant information. Also includes events, features, culture, here and there, leisure, travel, and business. - http://www.sushiandtofu.com/
Nisei Week Japanese Festival - Find out about the annual festival in Little Tokyo, Los Angeles that promotes Japanese-American culture during July and August. - http://niseiweek.org/
Manzanar NHS - National Park Service description, travel guide, and related information. - http://www.nps.gov/manz/
Go For Broke Educational Foundation - A nonprofit foundation producing educational programs about the history of the Japanese American veterans of World War II. - http://www.goforbroke.org
Los Angeles Tofu Festival - Annual bean curd festival event schedules and information. - http://www.tofufest.org/
Japanese American Veterans Association - An umbrella website representing a number of Japanese American Veterans' organizations in the United States. - http://www.javadc.org/
Halvsie.com - A portal for half Japanese which features biographic profiles, an active forum area, a link directory, hapa news, and related entertainment. - http://www.halvsie.com/
Japanese American Voice - Information and updates about the Japanese American Memorial in Washington, DC. - http://www.javoice.com/
Nikkei View - Gil Asakawa's weekly online column of popular culture and politics from a Japanese American Perspective. - http://nikkeiview.com/
Densho - A nonprofit organization documenting oral histories by Japanese Americans. - http://www.densho.org/
Little Tokyo Service Center - Lists of events, charities, meetings, and services online. - http://www.ltsc.org/
Japanese American Network - Pointers to Japanese American information on the internet such as history, social services, public policy, arts, and culture. Includes billboard and listservers. - http://www.janet.org/
NikkeiWest - A northern California community newspaper for Japanese Americans. Information on the company, its advertisements, subscriptions, and webhosting. - http://www.nikkeiwest.com/