Lonely Planet World Guide: Tajikistan - Information about the region's history, economy, and culture. - http://www.lonelyplanet.com/worldguide/destinations/asia/tajikistan/
Tajikstan - Information about the history, geography, government, economy, culture, society, and business. [Russian/English] - http://tajikistan.tajnet.com/
Al-Ahram Weekly: Tajik Gender and Identity - Margot Badran talks with Tajik author, academic, and activist Munira Shahidi in Yemen. - http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2001/533/cu1.htm
Rewriting Tajik History - Information about unravelling the mandated influence of Russia during the colonial and Soviet eras on Tajik culture and history. - http://www.iias.nl/iiasn/iiasn6/central/tajik.html
Telecomm Technology: Tajikistan - News and information portal about Tajikstan provided by an internet service provider. [Russian/English] - http://www.tajnet.com/
Boulder-Dushanbe Sister Cities - The Sister City relationship between the citizens of Boulder, Colorado and Dushanbe, Tajikistan was born during the Cold War and has survived the break-up of the Soviet Union, civil war and the painful birth of a new nation. - http://www.boulder-dushanbe.org/
Boulder Dushanbe Tea House - The Tea House was presented to Boulder by Dushanbe to celebrate the establishment of sister city ties, and includes a hand-carved and hand-painted ceiling, tables, stools, columns, and exterior ceramic panels. - http://www.boulderdushanbeteahouse.com/
Travel Tajikistan: Cultural Guidelines - Cultural guidelines and acceptable/unacceptable behaviour for travellers to Tajikistan. - http://www.traveltajikistan.com/info/guidelines.html