Wheelchair Junkie - Dedicated to providing links to web sites of users interested in wheelchairs. Buying, selling, modifying, or using wheelchairs. - http://p.webring.com/hub?ring=wheelchairjunki2&list
Unique Children's Advocacy Network (UCAN) - Web sites that provide ideas, projects, and activities that improve the lives of children with disabilities. - http://p.webring.com/hub?ring=ucan&list
Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) Webring - Allows individuals and families affected by SMA to join their homepages together. - http://p.webring.com/hub?ring=smatrophy&list
Social Security Disability Webring - Information and resources for those interested in Social Security disability benefits. - http://c.webring.com/hub?ring=severe&list
Ring of Special Needs Children - Open to anyone owning or running a webpage that deals with any aspect of raising, treating and loving special needs children. - http://p.webring.com/hub?ring=spneed&list
PICPAIN Sick and Tired Webring - Created to bring together people who with physical and emotional pain and illness. Sites about any aspect of disease or pain are accepted. - http://v.webring.com/hub?ring=sickandtired&list
Neurofibromatosis Webring - Promotes education, enlightenment, and encouragement. Open to organizations, medical sites, and personal homepages. Sites pertaining to all aspects of the disorder are welcome, including associated conditions. - http://r.webring.com/hub?ring=neurofibroma&list
KidPower: Cerebral Palsy and Family Support - Offers support through e-mail lists, chat and/or message boards. Set up mainly for disability support sites but all are welcome. - http://f.webring.com/hub?ring=kidpower&list
Jamie-Lee's Webring for Children with Disabilities - Content regarding child or adult disabilities, including those in wheelchairs, with genetic disabilities, or who have become disabled as a result of an accident. - http://m.webring.com/hub?ring=jamielee&list
Infantile Spasms Web Ring - Stories of children and their struggles with the disorder. Links to various infantile spasms sites on the web. - http://j.webring.com/hub?ring=infantilespasms&list
Hearts of Gold - Group of loving people who have gathered together because of a member of the family with a disability. Support to those of you needing someone to talk to. - http://g.webring.com/hub?ring=hog&list
Epilepsy Web Ring - A group of sites for anybody who has a seizure problem, or has a loved one with epilepsy. - http://x.webring.com/hub?ring=ewr1&list
Disabled American Veterans - Unofficial DAV (Disabled American Veterans) ring. Offers links to similar sites. - http://d.webring.com/hub?ring=dav&list
Disability Studies Web Ring - Brings together sites relating to the interdisciplinary research on the history, literature, experience and culture of people with disabilities. - http://j.webring.com/hub?ring=disstudies&list
Disability Ring - Developed for and by the disabled. Will try to list a minimum of 5 different disabilities with information on each. - http://g.webring.com/hub?ring=1cjp&list
Disabilities Webring - For those that deal with disabilities, either in work, with children, or who has their own disabilities, and have a homepage to install the Webring fragment on. - http://d.webring.com/hub?ring=gwdwr&list
DAWN: Disabilities Awareness Webring Network - Includes sites about a specific disability, support groups, and personal pages by disabled individuals or their families. - http://s.webring.com/hub?ring=dawn&list
Chronic Pain Webring - For anyone who suffers with any form of Chronic Pain. Attempting to bring together all types of medical conditions for support, education and friendship. - http://nav.webring.com/hub?ring=cpr&list
Caregivers of Mentally Disabled Children - Tribute, support and information for the caregivers of children and young adults suffering from mental disorders. - http://d.webring.com/hub?ring=carering&list
Brighter Futures Web Ring - Dedicated to promoting a better life for children with all types of special needs and disability awareness. Sites may include specific disabilities, as well as support and links. - http://p.webring.com/hub?ring=brighter&list
Assistive Technology WebRing - Resources for finding information, products and services to help children and adults with disabilities or special needs. - http://i.webring.com/hub?ring=assistivetechnol
Arc and Disabilities - For any disability-related site. Non-profits that serve individuals with developmental or other disabilities, businesses that serve people with disabilities, sites with information about disabilities, or Arcs. - http://o.webring.com/hub?ring=arcdisabilitiesr&list
All Children Can Learn - Contains sites for Special Education Students, as well as Special Education Resource sites and Personal Disability Pages. - http://nav.webring.com/hub?ring=childishkaren&list
Reach Out's disABILITY NetRing - For sites of disABILITY interest. - http://www.ringsurf.com/netring?ring=ReachOut;action=info;b=