Hearing Dogs for Deaf People - British charity that trains and places canines with persons who are deaf or hard of hearing at no cost. Find details on the program, eligibility requirements, contacts and links. - http://www.hearingdogs.org.uk/
Royal Association for Deaf People: Hearing Dogs for Deaf People - A United Kingdom registered charity. Guide features an overview of the abilities of the animals, how they enhance the lives of the disabled, who is eligible and how to obtain a trained canine. - http://www.royaldeaf.org.uk/page.php?id=100251
Dogs for the Deaf helps Hearing Impaired to a Better Life - Article discusses the training and services offered by this non-profit that has been rescuing dogs since 1977. - http://www.newseaglepoint.com/articles/index.cfm?artOID=275032&cp=11010
Hearing Dog Forum - Dedicated to fostering communication between owners. Features tips on ownership, training and care. - http://forums.delphiforums.com/hearingdog/start
Hearing Dogs - Find information on a training and adoption program run by the San Francisco SPCA for California and Nevada residents. Includes instructions and requirements for prospective applicants to the program. - http://www.sfspca.org/hearing_dogs/index.shtml
The Albert Lea Tribune: Shaggy Maggie Serves as Johnson's Ears - Benjamin Dipman describes the one woman's experience with a canine companion. Also offers information on how the dog was trained and on the legal rights of owners. - http://www.albertleatribune.com/articles/2003/11/27/news/news1.txt
RingSurf: Hearing Dog WebRing - Features information for potential members and links to related sites. - http://www.ringsurf.com/netring?action=info&ring=hearingdog
OzPets: Dogs Which Work for Man - Hearing Dogs - Brief article provides information on how the dogs are of service to hearing impaired Australians. Also offers an overview of what they are typically trained to do. - http://www.ozpets.com.au/dogs/articles/DD10023.shtml
Lions Hearing Dogs Inc. - Provides free dogs to Australians with hearing disabilities. Find eligibility requirements, history of the organization, map to the training facility, sponsorship information and contacts. Located in Adelaide. - http://www.hearingdogs.asn.au/
Hearing Dogs for the Hard of Hearing - Find information on organizations that provide service dogs to deaf people and links to related sites. - http://www.hearinglossweb.com/res/dog/dog.htm
Hearing Dogs for the Deaf - Links to sites on training your own canine or finding one through charitable organizations provided by Listen-up.org. - http://www.listen-up.org/htm2/dogs.htm
ADI: About Hearing Dogs - Discover how these trained animals can be used to assist and improve the quality of life of the deaf. Find information on training standards provided by Assistance Dogs International (ADI). - http://www.adionline.org/hearing.html
International Hearing Dog, Inc. - Nonprofit organization trains hearing dogs and places hearing dogs with hearing impaired individuals. Includes history, qualification criteria, and answers to common questions. - http://www.ihdi.org/
Hearing Dogs for Deaf People New Zealand - Discover information on benefits and training, as well as news and events for this New Plymouth based non-profit organization. - http://hearingdogs.orcon.net.nz/index.htm
Dogs for the Deaf, Inc. - Program offers trained canines for the hearing impaired. Find information about placement of animals, application process, and contacts. - http://www.dogsforthedeaf.org/
About.com: Hearing Dogs - Find general information, articles and categorized links. - http://deafness.about.com/msubhdog.htm