A Crisis of Choice - A website dedicated to helping people through a suicidal crisis, including stories from a suicide counselor. - http://www.crisisofchoice.org
LIFE: Living is for Everyone - An Australian government project presents factsheets, links, policies, and statistics. - http://www.livingisforeveryone.com.au
Suicide is Painless - Lyrics of the theme song from M*A*S*H. - http://users.cis.net/sammy/mash.htm
The Many Languages of Suicide - David Webb, a suicide attempter and a Suicidologist at Victoria University, advocates creating safe spaces where the suicidal voice can be heard with respect and full acceptance, emphasizing the person's spiritual needs. - http://www.jungcircle.com/DWebb.html
Leaving You: The Cultural History of Suicide by Lisa Lieberman - Book review by Natalie Hope McDonald. The book is a reminder of how the taking of one's own life can be representative of more than just depression, that rather, it can become, for better or worse, a deliberate act of independence. - http://www.popmatters.com/books/reviews/l/leaving-you.shtml
Suicide - Definition from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. - http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/suicide/
Suicide Contagion & Reporting Suicide - Recommendations on how to report suicide in media without causing contagion (the triggering of other suicide incidents). - http://aepo-xdv-www.epo.cdc.gov/wonder/prevguid/m0031539/M0031539.asp
Suicide Lodge - Contains both pro-life and pro-choice views; it does not take a stand on this issue. Includes information about methods, how various religions view suicide, stories and statistics. - http://a1b2c3.com/suilodge/
What if Someone Commits Suicide - Motivations and interpretations of suicide. Suicide in history. From a Christian doctor who specializes in Multiple Personality Disorder. - http://www.jmahoney.com/suicide.html
Death: Suicide - Educational site about death in general, and suicide in particular. Covers different types of suicide. - http://library.thinkquest.org/16665/suicide.htm