NDE Paradigm Project - Articles and information about applying the lessons learned from NDE to produce life-altering benefits. - http://www.nde-paradigm.com
Near-death - An overview of the near death experience from a new age perspective. - http://www.near-death-experiences.info/
A Lawyer Argues the Case for the Afterlife - Dr. Victor Zammit presents a detailed analysis of the evidence for the afterlife including the Near Death Experience and reincarnation. - http://www.victorzammit.com/
CRI Journal - Part II - Critically analyzes the Near Death Experience from a Biblical perspective. - http://www.iclnet.org/pub/resources/text/cri/cri-jrnl/web/crj0098a.html
CRI Journal - Part I - Discusses the new age background of Raymond Moody and other NDE researchers. - http://www.iclnet.org/pub/resources/text/cri/cri-jrnl/web/crj0097a.html
CRI Journal - Heaven Can't Wait - A survey of alleged trips to the other side. - http://www.iclnet.org/pub/resources/text/cri/cri-jrnl/web/crj0124a.html
Limitations and Dangers of the Near Death Experience - Examines the degree to which the near death experience can be trusted as a source of knowledge of the afterlife. - http://www.observations.net/questions/question3.html
Christian Evidences - Includes an interesting look at the deathbed experiences of non-Christians. - http://www.grmi.org/renewal/Richard_Riss/evidences2/27nde.html
To Hell and Back - A summary of Dr. Maurice S. Rawlings' book "To Hell and Back". - http://www.emjc3.com/helland.htm
Soul-Searching Doctors Find Life After Death - London Telegraph article presents evidence that consciousness or the soul can continue to exist after the brain has ceased to function. - http://news.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=%2Fnews%2F2000%2F10%2F22%2Fnsoul22.xml
The Near Death Experience of Capt. David Perry (1762) - A Near Death Experience account as recorded by American Revolutionary War soldier, David Perry. - http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~dagjones/docs/neardeath.html#captdavidperry
Crystalinks - Near Death Experiences - A near death experiencer provides a brief overview of the Near Death Experience. - http://www.crystalinks.com/neardeath.html
Dream Lucidity and Near-Death Experience - Near death experient John Wren-Lewis writes about the effect of the Near Death Experience on lucid dreaming. - http://www.sawka.com/spiritwatch/sectiona.htm
Experiences of Unconscious Patients - A nursing course from Health Interactive. Contains information on Near Death and out-of-body experiences. - http://www.rnceus.com/uncon/unframe.html
The Natural Death Handbook - A collection of article excerpts on the Near Death Experience. - http://www.globalideasbank.org/natdeath/ndh3.html
Psych Web - Psychology site maintained by Russell A. Dewey, PhD, addresses the question, "What are Near Death Experiences and are they a type of OBE?" - http://www.psychwww.com/asc/obe/faq/obe18.html