Xavier, Joseph - Dedicated to Joseph who was a gift from God. - http://www.sadiesplace.net/main/myfamilyroom/josephsroom/
Elric's home page - Elric was born with a rare chromosome disorder called Trisomy 13 (or Patau's syndrome) and died after 13 days. This page tells Elric's story and gives information about Trisomy 13. - http://www.lillaelric.se/elrics_home_page.htm
Williamson, Adam Christopher - Dedicated to a beautiful son Adam, stillborn 27th Sept. 2000 - http://homepage.eircom.net/~tinyadam
Raulerson, Emma Grace - Site with dedication and charity benefit to a baby girl who died of trisomy 18 complications. - http://www.dayofgrace.bravehost.com
Payne, Pamela Jenny - Pamela Jenny Payne was born into eternal life on February 15, 1999. - http://pamelajennypayne.faithweb.com/
Marie, Kayden - In loving memory of an infant who graced her parents lives for only a short time. - http://kaydenmariesmemoirs.150m.com
Eric and Brina - The story of a quadruplet pregnancy, including memorial pages and ultrasound photographs. - http://www.ericandbrina.com/
In Loving Memory of Taylor Alyssa - She was born on January 23, 1996 with congenital heart disease and passed away shortly after. - http://www.ordonezonline.com/Taylor/
Kelsey's Memorial Dolphin Page - Born 5-13-93, she lived three months and passed away due to a genetic disorder called Trisomy 13. - http://www.webpenguin.com/family/kelsey/