Druett, Clive Anthony - Photos, stories, stories and remembrances dedicated to a beloved man and his life and our love. 1947 - 2003. - http://www.clivedruett.net/
Dutton, Richard A. - A tribute to a family historian and military hero, Richard A. "Dick" Dutton. 1930 - 1999 - http://www.dunton.org/rad.htm
Dich, Sara - Dedicated to the memory of Sara Dich, a Hacienda Heights girl killed by a hit and run driver on October 15, 2003 on her way to school. - http://www.saradich.org
Danckwerts, Michael - This is the story of Michael Danckwerts, a young Australian who loved India and sought his spiritual destiny there before his sudden and tragic death at the age of 27. 1975 - 2003 - http://www.michaels-story.org
Decoteau, Richard "Dick" - A site created and dedicated to a father and best friend, who passed away Nov 21, 2001. - http://dickdecoteau.com
Deneke, Brian - Official website of the Brian Deneke Memorial Committee. - http://www.briandeneke.org/