Roll of Honour - Detailed information covering the war memorials to be found in Bedfordshire, cambridgeshire, Huntingdonshire and the Fenlands. With background information of the regiments associated with these. -
Huntingdonshire, England - War Memorials - Detailed information relating to War memorials of all kinds to be found in the County of Huntingdonshire as it was Pre-1974. Each man researched where possible. -
Cambridgeshire, England - War Memorials - Detailed information relating to War memorials of all kinds to be found in the County of Cambridgeshire as it was Pre-1974. Each man researched where possible. -
Northallerton Memorials Project - The aim of this project is to create a permanent record of the life and death of each of the men whose names are recorded on the War Memorials of Northallerton, and its satellite villages of Romanby and Brompton. -