Matthews Cremation - Cremation equipment, human and pet caskets and urns, supplies and services for funeral homes, veterinarians, crematoriums and those involved in death care. -
Cremation Info - Articles about creamation, a directory of providers and information about ash scattering. -
Cremation Specialists - Cremation and funeral facts that will provide the information consumers need to help plan for this difficult decision. Includes a directory of United States providers. -
Crematory Repair - A crematory repair service company which specializes in the rebricking of crematories, both human and pet. -
Internet Cremation Society - Offers a FAQs, details about the process and statistics. -
PYRA Development, LLC - Finally, cremation and a sense of permanence not previously afforded for interred remains. Offered is a unique method of interring cremated remains available to the general public. -