JSA Issues Warning of Increased Burglary Activity in Texas - The Jewelers' Security Alliance has issued a burglary warning to jewelers in Texas. The organization says it has received 21 reports of burglaries or attempted burglaries in the state since Jan. 1, "which is over twice as many as occurred during that - http://www.jckonline.com/article/CA6441517.html&
Canyon News Reports Beverly Hills Under Seige from Theft Gangs - Article reporting numberous thefts worth tens of millions conducted by numberous theft gangs, including the Colombians, around the posh areas of Los Angeles. - http://www.canyon-news.com/artman2/publish/Features_1149/Bel_Air_Burglaries.php
Latin American Jewel Thieves Active IN U.S. - General article regarding SATG, methods, and targets - http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=2007%5C05%5C20%5Cstory_20-5-2007_pg9_9
Targeting International Jewel Thieves - NewsBlaze article regarding the SATG jewel crews, including proactive measures by law enforcement. - http://newsblaze.com/story/20070519063503leon.nb/newsblaze/TOPSTORY/Top-Stories.html
South American Theft Group Intelligence Network - Non-profit organization focused on increased awareness of the SATG as well as training on prevention, response, investigation, and prosecution. Collaborates with law enforcement for intelligence sharing. - http://www.satgin.org
Colombian Gangs Targeting Coin Dealers - Specific mention of Colombian Gangs utilizing their tactics in the theft og high-end coins. - http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/news/localnews/stories/DN-coinsecurity_12met.ART0.North.Edition1.3d84f87.html
Shoplifting International - PR Newswire article regarding theives from various South American Countries and their impact on the retail industry. (Scroll down to "Emporium"). - http://www.prnewswire.com/cgi-bin/stories.pl?ACCT=104&STORY=/www/story/85746&EDATE=
Three Colombian Men Nabbed for Theft at Changi Airport - Three members of the SATG arrested prior to boarding a flight to Hong Kong in possession of stolen jewelry. - http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/193981/1/.html
The Miami Heist - A Balckwater USA Newsletter article questioning the commando-like skills and precision of the South American Theft Groups and their attack on jewelers in Miami. - http://www.blackwaterusa.com/btw2004/articles/0809heist.html
Fort Lauderdale Police Press Releases - Short police article entailing a robbery of $225,000 dollars worth of jewelry from two jewelers. Found under "Jewelry Robbery." - http://ci.ftlaud.fl.us/police/relmar04.html
Stolen Jewelry Tracking System - An additional website sponsored by the Jeweler's Security Alliance where identification of stolen jewelry may be listed or recovered jewelry suspected of being stolen may be displayed for recovery. Utilized by SATG Taskforces. - http://www.stolenjewelry.org/
Brothers Don't Fall for Bogus Promise of Buried Treasure - Article from Gainesville.com reference a confidence scam utilized by the SATG that backfired on them. - http://www.gainesville.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20051116/LOCAL/211160320&SearchID=73235937134071
South American Theft Groups - Real time information on the most recent SATG criminal activities and current public record intelligence available on wanted suspects and crime prevention. - http://home.bellsouth.net/personalpages/PWP-satg
Seminole County Florida - Sheriff - Wanted photos and descriptions of two suspects involved in the Buried Treasure Scam. - http://www.seminolesheriff.org/criminal/trav432.html
Expat Jewel Thieves to Be Deported - Twenty-five South American thieves convicted in China and set for deportation. - http://www.10thnpc.org.cn/english/2004/Dec/115857.htm
FBI Creates Task Force in Southeast - A JCK Magazine article on how FBI task force to combat South American jewelry theft gangs in the southeastern United States has been established in Miami. - http://www.jckgroup.com/article/CA233962.html/jck?pubdate=07%2F01%2F2002
Theft Ring Operating at O'Hare Airport - A traveler alert with in depth information on how the SATG operate at airports. - http://www.emergency.com/thftohar.htm
Jewelers Security Alliance Most Wanted - JSA's Most Wanted lists criminals of all sorts, including those identified as members of the South American Theft Groups. - http://www.jewelerssecurity.org/wanted_bulletins/wanted.html
RCMP Criminal Intelligence Program - Royal Canadian Mounted Police report on organized auto theft in Canada with a mention of new involvement of the South American Theft Groups. - http://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/crimint/sparkplug_e.htm#organized
Art Thieves Nail California Galleries - SFGate.com reprint of a San Francisco Chronicle article regarding art theft in that area suspected of being conducted by organized theft groups. - http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2002/01/15/MN91990.DTL
ABC News Online - News article regarding the apprehension of four Colombian nationals with ties to crimes in Japan. They were posing as Mexicans and had Mexican passports in their possession. - http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/200406/s1132602.htm
Taking a Bead on an International Ring of Jewel Thieves - New York Jewish Times article on specific robberies with reference to the respective FBI web pages. - http://nyjtimes.com/Stories/2004/ProtectingOurNationalTreasures.htm
Orange County Joins L.A. Crime Fighting Unit - Article published by the Professional Jeweler Magazine regarding the coordination between police forces in their fight against the South American Theft Groups. - http://www.professionaljeweler.com/archives/news/1999/072899story.html
Law Enforcement Training in Theft and Stolen Property - Training course designed to provide detectives with knowledge and skills to conduct successful burglary, theft and RSP investigations. Includes Detective Mike Woodings as trainer for South American Theft Groups. - http://www.sdrtc.com/post_courses/postici_burglary.htm
Jewelry Trade Under Seige - San Francisco Business Times article on South American Theft Groups, their modus operandi, and an interview with Los Angeles Police Detective Mike Woodings who leads a taskforce and is considered a top authority. - http://www.bizjournals.com/sanfrancisco/stories/2000/05/22/story3.html
Interpol Arrests Jewel Thief Fugitive in Costa Rica - A Colombian man, a known member of the South American Theft Groups, was arrested in September 2005 and faces extradition to France where he is wanted in connection with several robberies. - http://www.ticotimes.net/dailyarchive/2005_09/daily_09_08_05.htm#story3
Gemstone Forecaster Crime Reports - Information regarding criminal links between the Chicago Police Department and the South American Theft Groups, as well as the arrest of many South American Theft Group members in Los Angeles. Reports are found under "Gem Tidbits." - http://www.preciousgemstones.com/gfsum98two.html
Federal Bureau of Investigation - SATG - Area of FBI site dedicated to Jewelry and Gem Crime Groups with a focus on the SATG. Provides intra-site links for additional information. - http://www.fbi.gov/hq/cid/jag/crimegroup.htm
California 2004 Crime Report - California Department of Justice Annual Report to the Legislature. Report contains specific information on organized retail theft groups under "Other Organized Crimes." - http://caag.state.ca.us/publications/org_crime2004.pdf
The Best Reviews: The Color of Death - Book review on a novel about the jewel trade and South American Theft Group involvement. - http://thebestreviews.com/review21854