Home Security News - Presents a blog following home and personal security. - http://sicarius.typepad.com/home_security_information/
Crime Stoppers Most Wanted - Presents a means for the citizens of the United States to provide details to law enforcement while remaining anonymous. - http://www.crimestoppersmostwanted.com
Self-Defense Zone - Provides awareness on crime prevention, self-defense, personal security, surviving terrorist attacks, martial arts, and weapons. In English and Russian. - http://www.self-defender.net
Safe Campuses Now - Provides detail on self defense, rape prevention, survival, and safety. On and off campus. - http://www.safecampusesnow.org
How Stuff Works: How Dye Packs Work - Explains what a dye pack is and how banks use it to thwart robbers. - http://www.howstuffworks.com/question671.htm
Rutgers Crime Prevention Service - Business crime-prevention tips from the Rutgers University School of Criminal Justice. Information on shoplifting, fraud, employee theft, robbery and workplace violence. - http://crimeprevention.rutgers.edu
No Nonsense Self-defense - Tips from Marc "Animal" MacYoung on staying safe from robbery, rape, burglary and physical attacks. - http://www.nononsenseselfdefense.com/
Crime Stoppers International - The police, the press and the public work together to fight crime. - http://www.c-s-i.org/
Protective Strategies - Information about the study of self defense as a process of physical, mental and emotional development. - http://www.protectivestrategies.com