Homeless Memorials: The Longest Night - Speculation on why society so often ignores the murders of homeless women, and whether Gary Ridgway might be responsible for clusters of deaths in cities other than Seattle, particularly Vancouver, BC. - http://anitraweb.org/homelessness/memorial/longest_night.html
Crime Library: River of Death - Patrick Bellamy's 80-page feature on the Green River Killer who murdered 49 prostitutes. - http://www.crimelibrary.com/serial_killers/predators/greenriver/index_1.html
True Crimes: The Green River Killer - Details about Gary Leon Ridgway, arrested for murdering four of the Green River victims. - http://www.karisable.com/greenriver.htm
Green River Killer Project - A project to express, through art, the feelings and impressions from the Green River killings. - http://www.maxfrazee.com/serial/GRKP.htm