United Streets of Hollywood - A coalition of residential organizations devoted to the rebirth of Hollywood as a pleasant place to live, shop, and proudly host visitors of the world. - http://home.pacbell.net/ehretz
Stanford beyond Bars - Stanford Beyond Bars is a prisoner advocacy group focusing on tutoring inmates in San Francisco jails towards GED proficiency and increasing awareness of prisoner issues in the community. - http://cgi.stanford.edu/~group-sbb/mainUI/
www.californiapartnership.org - A statewide economic organization whose goal is to see that public funds are spent in a way that maximizes local impact. - http://www.californiapartnership.org
Arroyo Seco Neighborhood Council Website - Community website describing the Arroyo Seco Neighborhood Council which represents the communities of Montecito Heights, Mt. Washington, Monterey Hills, Hermon and Sycamore Grove. - http://www.asnc.us
Shattered Peace - A consortium of Glendora home owners opposed to lighting parks in residential neighborhoods. Features local news and a public forum. - http://shatteredpeace.com
California Progressive - CaliforniaProgressive.org uses the internet to place progressive initiatives on the ballot at minimal cost. - http://www.californiaprogressive.org/
Campaign For Sensible Transportation - Information resources and tools for enabling a comprehensive and multi-modal transportation system within Santa Cruz County which is effecient, cost-effective, environmentally sound and does not depend unnecessarily the automobile. - http://www.sensibletransportation.org
Activist San Diego - Aims to bring the surrounding communities in Southern California together to exchange ideas, support communities, and increase awareness of political and social justice issues. - http://www.activistsandiego.org
Labor/Community Strategy Center - A multiracial anticorporate "think tank/act tank" and national school for organizers, committed to building democratic internationalist social movements. Focus of local organizing is environmental justice, emphasizing mass transportation issues - http://www.thestrategycenter.org
Committee for Integrity in Government - Information about Mission Viejo, CA city issues. We specialize in countering misinformation from all sources, especially the city council and city staff. - http://www.missionviejoca.org