- Very extensive online progressive magazine and community of alternative news, opinions, discussion forums, and resources from Z Magazine.
- http://www.zmag.org/
b report
- Website and forum focusing on a variety of issues that have an impact on individuals and society, such as world and interpersonal peace, women's rights and issues, spirituality, and the environment, from a progressive viewpoint.
- http://www.breport.ca
Oregon Peaceworks - Group educating and activating people to work for peace, justice and environmental protection. - http://www.oregonpeaceworks.org/site/
Last Superpower - Marxists who think much anti-US "left-wing" thought is not left at all. - http://www.lastsuperpower.net/
The Space Hijackers - A London-based group of Anarchitects - battling to rid the streets of the oppressive forces of Architects, Urban Planners and other nasties. - http://www.spacehijackers.org/
ActForChange - Site includes action alerts, activism opportunities, and activism tips. - http://www.workingforchange.com/activism/
Anarchogeek - Weblog discussing many issues from an anarchist perspective. - http://www.anarchogeek.com/
Zi - Organization analyzing facts to counter false information and effects on popular culture and government policy. Contains projects, groups, and campaigns. - http://www.zi-activism.net
How You Can Change The World - Covers a large variety of topics that effect the world. Tips and ideas on ways to help resolve the issues. - http://www.howyoucanchangetheworld.com/
Do Something - Encourages young people to create their own vision for making a difference in their community. Provides resources and support. - http://www.dosomething.org/
Grassfire - An organizing center for activists for traditional and conservative values, organized by issue. Provides e-mail forms, news alert service, online petitions, and related links. - http://www.grassfire.org/
Biotic Baking Brigade - Group which throws pies as a form of protest against neoliberal economics and environmental degradation. Provides photo gallery and multimedia, local links, BBB news releases, and background information. - http://bioticbakingbrigade.org/
Plerophory.com - Left-wing activist blog, fact sheets, flyers, links, and other resources. - http://plerophory.com/
The Earthville Network - A global community of organizations and individuals working toward systemic, sustainable solutions for the challenges of our local and global communities. - http://www.earthville.org/
A SEED Europe - Action for Solidarity, Equality, Environment and Development, a global organization linking youth groups and individuals. Information on campaigns, action reports, news, agenda and publications for ordering or download. - http://www.aseed.net/
SpeakOut.com - For engaged citizens to get informed, get involved and make a difference around causes they care about, such as politics, education, family, the world, society, health, environment, and the economy. - http://www.speakout.com/
World Voices - The initiative of young people passionate about exploring and demonstrating ideas, alternatives and solutions to replace our redundant forms of progress, wealth and power. - http://www.worldvoices.org
Reverend Billy - Advocacy group led by comic preacher. Opposes chain stores and malls that hurt neighborhoods. - http://revbilly.com
Facing the Future presents Creative Action - We are often overwhelmed by global problems - hungry childgren, rainforest destruction, over population and global warming. Creative Action helps you get involved in solving critical global issues. - http://www.creativeaction.org
ZeroZero Magazine - Promoting a harm reduction drugs policy and international activist campaigns. Many documents online and frequently updated news sections. - http://www.pcworks.demon.co.uk
Al-Awda: The Palestine Right to Return Coalition - Global activist network for Palestinian refugees. Crisis chronology, media, regional events, petitions, famous quotes. E-group with regional sub-groups. - http://www.al-awda.org/
International Action Center - Coordinates activism and information opposing domestic and international injustices. Founded by Ramsey Clark. - http://www.iacenter.org/
Free Republic - Online message boards for independent, grass-roots conservatives to share strategies and activist resources, and discuss issues of the day. - http://www.freerepublic.com/
Co-op America - Contains information on boycott campaigns, sweatshop activism, public service, barter and LETSystems to regenerate local economies in the service of local needs. - http://www.coopamerica.org/
CIVICUS - Worldwide Alliance for Citizen Participation - "Promoting a worldwide community of informed, inspired, committed citizens who are actively engaged in confronting the challenges facing humanity." In English, Español, Français. - http://www.civicus.org/