Just Say NO to Microsoft - A directory of alternatives to Microsoft products and services. - http://microsoft.toddverbeek.com/
Microsuck - Listings of free and commercial alternatives to this company's products. Also sells email and hosting services on domains with anti-Microsoft names. - http://www.microsuck.com/
Time to stand up to Microsoft - Microsoft's upgrade policy for "Microsoft Arrogance XP" deserves a boycott. - http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9595_22-530792.html
I've had enough MS-Hype - A look at the view opposite the Microsoft spin machine. - http://kropf.us/hype.html
Smash Micro$oft Page, The - Guy Dunphy's "Home of the Anti-Microsoft League." - http://everist.org/smash_ms/index.htm
Reasons to avoid Microsoft - Updated articles and explanations of why you don't want Microsoft software. - http://www.lugod.org/microsoft/
Downsize Microsoft - A programers view on why Microsoft should be avoided. - http://www.namebase.org/boycott.html
BW Online -Arrogance, Thy Name Is Microsoft - Office users are steamed at Gates & Co.'s demand that they register their software. - http://www.businessweek.com/technology/content/aug2002/tc20020814_0119.htm
Frustrated Microsoft users explore options - Frustration with Microsoft is prompting more companies to consider "un-Windows" alternatives. - http://www.infoworld.com/articles/hn/xml/02/08/07/020807hndidio.xml
MSBC's The Alternative - Replacements for Microsoft software, services and hardware. Includes reviews and outside links. - http://www.msboycott.com/thealt/
Living Without Microsoft - "XPloring" the realistic alternatives to Microsoft software. - http://www.livingwithoutmicrosoft.org/
Wayne Hayes' Why Microsoft Sucks - Large collection of Microsoft security related emails, nd links to similar content. - http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~wayne/microsoft-sucks.html
Windows Twelve Step Program - Program for overcoming and recovering from, the use of the Microsoft Windows operating system. - http://home.earthlink.net/~penguinrox/
Appropriate technology? Windows versus GNU/Linux - Imagine you are putting water pumps into a village in Africa, and you have a choice between two products... an analogy for operating system choice. - http://danny.oz.au/free-software/advocacy/appropriate.html
NetAction's Microsoft Archives - Archive of NetAction's Microsoft-related publications. - http://www.netaction.org/msoft/