Jasper, Caroline - Colorful landscape, water scenes, architecture, and still life oil paintings. - http://www.carolinejasper.com/
Johnson, Marnie - Realistic oil paintings by Santa Fe artist, featuring luminous still lifes, original portraits and her own unique window paintings. - http://www.marniejohnson.com/
Joseph, Ellen - Offers landscapes in oils, murals of natural scenes, trompe l'oeil, faux finishes, and decorative painting. - http://www.ellenjoseph.com/
Jankowska, Katarzyna - Offers custom oil paintings from photographs. Provides pricing, contact information and ordering instructions. Gallery of sample work available. - http://www.oilpainting.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/
Joseph, Rene' - Paintings, t-shirts, mousepads, and cups. - http://www.renejoseph.com/
Jones, Andrew - Landscapes: Greenwich Village brownstones and streetscapes, Venetian canals, Fire Island seascapes and landscapes. - http://andrewjonesartist.com/
Jenks, David - Oil paintings (primarily California landscapes, seascapes, and garden scenes). - http://www.djenks.com/