Wanae - Sell, buy and exchange plastic and creative arts, including paintings, sculptures, drawings, photographs, and art jewelry. - http://www.wanae.com/
WilliamsGallery - Online gallery offering contemporary original oil and acrylic paintings, limited edition fine art prints, photography, sculptures and mixed media. - http://www.williamsgallery.co.uk/
Wobblybridge - Offering free exhibition space to artists around the world. - http://www.wobblybridge.co.uk/
Works Of Art - Fine art, oil paintings, water colours, abstract paintings, portraits for sale. - http://www.worksofart.org.uk
Wild Things Gallery And Framing - They offer prints, original paintings, posters, photos, gifts, and collectible artwork. - http://www.wildthingsgallery.net/
Weagant Art Gallery - Oils, photographs, printed reproductions, and watercolors by artists from the Pacific Northwest. - http://www.weagantartgallery.com/
Works of Art Gallery - Located in Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin, they specialise in sculptural pieces for reception areas and boardrooms as well as well as private individuals and collectors. - http://www.works-art.com
We-Import.com - Located in Berkeley, California, they offer paintings from Peru ranging from Spanish colonial style to religious scenes. - http://www.we-import.com/
Widney Moore Gallery, - Located in Portland, Oregon, they offer wearable art, jewelry, fine crafts, and contemporary textiles. - http://www.widneymoore.com
The Westdale Gallery - Specializes in an international assortment of contemporary works and Inuit and Native American items. - http://www.westdalegallery.com
Watercolor World - A digital gallery featuring watercolor art. - http://www.cyberbits.com/gallery
Wentworth Galleries - Original artworks, sculptures, and limited edition prints with choice of framing. Extensive artists' biography section. - http://www.wentworthgallery.com
Wildwood Gallery and Framing - Online gallery featuring original and limited edition prints from internationally acclaimed artists. - http://www.wildwoodgallery.com
Womensart.com - Offering fine arts and crafts created by women artists. - http://www.womensart.com/
Wing Gallery - Located in Sherman Oaks, California, they offer wildlife, western, fantasy, and Americana art and collectibles, as well as limited edition prints from Greenwich Workshop and Hadley House. - http://www.winggallery.com