Michael Lawrence - Offering a variety of books and software for improving bridge games. Includes articles. - http://www.michaelslawrence.com
Time Technology - Manufacturers of intempo2 bridge tournament timer. Product features and pricing, references, and company history. - http://timetechnology.biz/
Dee's Tallies - Standard tallies for 1,2 or 3 table bridge. Also offering matching score pads. - http://www.deesbridgetallies.com
The London Bridge Centre - Offering software, videos, equipment, and books. Located in the UK. - http://www.bridgeshop.com/
BridgeGifts - Offers themed cards, mugs, partyware and novelties. Located in Canada. - http://www.bridgegifts.net/
The Bridge Centre - Sells supplies for clubs and books for players. In Perth, Australia. - http://www.thebridgecentre.com.au/
Luxury Bridge - Proposes gifts and accessories. New York, USA. - http://www.luxurybridge.com/
Ritner, Carl Jr. - ACBL Library surplus books and magazines for sale. - http://www.carlritner.com/
Scorebridge - Offers bridge software. Full and trial version available. Includes help file and feature list. - http://www.scorebridge.com/
Paul Lavings's Postfree Bridge Books - Also Bridge antiques, magazine back issues. Newsletter. In Australia. - http://www.users.bigpond.net.au/postfree/books/
Mr Bridge - Sells software, gifts, books, tables, clothes, and pens related to the game. - http://www.mrbridge.co.uk/
Bridge Gold Group - Offers a variety of jewelry matching ACBL masterpoint ranks. Woodstock, Ontario, Canada. - http://www.thebridgegoldgroup.com
Taiga Bridge - Online and in-person bridge lessons and information, and links to online learning resources. Based in US. - http://taigabridge.com/
BidAndLead - Offers advice for both novice and intermediate players. - http://www.bidandlead.com
Vince Oddy's - Offering bridge games, software, videos and books. Located in Canada. - http://www.vinceoddy.com/
J.W. and S. Hardy - Proposes books, software, videos, cards. In Australia. - http://www.uq.net.au/~zzjhardy/brmain.html
MindRacer Publishing - Flashcards, notepads, scorepads. Online quizzes, order online. In the USA. - http://www.bridgecardsgames.com/mindrace.htm