Hodges Badge Company, Inc. - Offers large selection of ribbons, rosettes, and printed awards for equestrian competition. Located in Portsmouth, Rhode Island. - http://www.hodgesbadge.com/
Rheidol Rosettes - Offers rosettes, sashes, badges and sundries for shows and events. - http://www.rosettemaker.com
High Point Awards - Canadian designers and manufacturers of custom award ribbons and rosettes. - http://www.high-point.ca
Tyrella Rosettes - Manufactures and sells rosettes, trophies, badges and sashes. - http://www.tyrella.com
Horse Show Ribbons - Provides ribbons, trophies, rider numbers, pin on buttons, and custom signs for the equestrian community. - http://www.horseshowribbons.com
Garden Spot Ribbon and Awards - Horse show ribbons, engraved trophies, and awards. Information and contacts. Located in Ephrata, PA. - http://www.gardenspotribbonaw.com/
Darlow Rosettes - Providing a large selection of rosettes, ribbons, awards, trophies and printed garments. - http://www.darlowrosettes.com
Winning Ways East - A full line of horse show ribbons and trophies for any competition. Judges cards, rider numbers and custom designs are also available. Engraving is done on the premesis. - http://winningwayseast.com
Dartmoor Rosettes - Rosettes, ribbons, sashes, trophies and associated products to complement any occasion. Large range of colours and designs. Site based in England. - http://www.dartmoor-rosettes.com
County Rosettes - Offers a range of quality products in a range of styles and colours, plus custom made rosettes and ribbons. Located in West Sussex, England. - http://www.countyrosettes.co.uk