Fine Art Editions - Featuring the equestrian photographics of John Steven Hockensmith, which have received critical acclaim throughout Kentucky's bluegrass region. -
Wildwood Productions - Specializes in greeting cards from black and white photography. -
James Archambeault - Mounted prints of thoroughbred horses, Kentucky Derby and horse racing. -
Barb Young Photography - Equine photography, digital enhancement and advertising layout for the western slope of Colorado: horse shows and events, farm visits, candids, portraits, and photos. -
Equine Photographers - A message board for horse people and equine photographers to post needs and availability. Show and event managers can also post to find photographers for events in their areas. -
Arnd Bronkhorst - Full color photography of equestrian events, riders and horses. Extensive database of images, searchable by a variety of choices. Based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. English and Dutch translation. -