Electrik Motion - Sells electric scooters, electric bikes, conversion kits and parts. - http://www.electrikmotion.com
ItsElectric - Offers electric conversion kits and parts. - http://www.itselectric.ca/
Cycle IES - Electric bikes and scooters in five designs, great for the environment and easy to ride for recreation, exercise or transportation. - http://www.cycleies.com/
Spotlight Promotions - Offers two and three-wheel options. - http://www.electricbikes.fws1.com/
Electric Cyclery - Offering scooters, motorboards and bicylces. Includes information on clean air legislation and practices. - http://www.greenspeed.us
Electric Rider - Offers scooters, bikes, and mopeds. Also sells parts and accessories. - http://electricrider.com
Convergence Technologies - Plans for electric cycles and cycle generators. - http://www.econvergence.net/