Diamond Sport Publications Inc - Offers educational books focused on improving billiard play. - http://www.hotshotsplus.com
Litho Publishers - Offers billiard training book. - http://www.billiardbook.com
Pool Shots, LLC - Offering books and video focused on pocket billiards. Includes advanced skills like banking and carom shots. - http://www.poolshots.com/
TrickShooter - Offering "Trick and Fancy Shots with George Middleditch", a video presentation. - http://www.trickshooter.net
Monk Billiard Academy - Include Workshops, Seminars and The Monk's books and videos. - http://www.monkbilliardacadem-e.com
Accu-Stats Video Productions - Offers tournament videos with expert commentary by professionals. - http://www.accu-stats.com
Pool Video - Offering instructional videos that address game improvement, and trick shots. Includes training aids. - http://www.poolvideo.com/