Dixie Land Calls - Offering custom, handcrafted duck calls, featuring acrylic and exotic woods. - http://www.dixielandcalls.com/
Sawtooth Game Calls - Offering predator calls, including coyote, bobcat, and other game calls. - http://sawtoothgamecalls.com
River Bottom Calls - Custom duck, goose, and turkey calls. - http://www.riverbottomcalls.com
Kelly's Kalls - Offering custom wood and acrylic duck and goose calls. - http://www.kellyskalls.com
BowHuntGear - BowHuntGear offers electronic game calls and digital game cameras. - http://www.bowhuntgear.com/
Knight and Hale - Offers wildlife and turkey calls, waterfowl calls, predator and coyote calling products for hunters. - http://www.knightandhale.com
TWE Custom Calls - Providing a range of custom turkey pot friction, tube and locator calls as well as strikers. - http://www.twecustomcalls.com
Crouse Brothers - Offering handmade and custom tuned calls designed for the waterfowl hunter. - http://www.lvcta.com/~crousecalls/
Wood Butcher Calls - Custom game calls for turkey, and deer. We have a full line of calls and supplies available. - http://www.woodbutchercalls.com
Pharis Custom Turkey & Game Calls - Offering custom handmade turkey and game calls, for the hunter or collector. - http://www.phariscustomcalls.com
Custom Call Lanyards - Featuring calls made from waxed leather or parachute cord. Also includes small game carriers, dog leads and training equipment. - http://www.customcalllanyards.com
Fantomb Calls - This site offers custom handmade turkey calls. Call types include trough, scratch, pot (slate, glass, and aluminum surfaces), box, crow, and tube calls. - http://fantomb.com
DJ Illinois River Valley Calls, Inc. - Offering a complete line of handcrafted duck, goose, turkey, deer, predator and other specialty calls. - http://www.djcalls.com/
Schultz Game Calls - Offering custom made waterfowl calls by Tim Schultz. - http://www.schultzgamecalls.com
ArkyYoter Game Calls - Custom and semi-custom predator calls, handmade, tuned, and assembled. - http://www.arkyyoter.com
Smokin' Game Calls - Custom goose calls and turkey calls. Short reed style goose calls and five styles of turkey calls for any hunter. - http://www.smokincalls.com
Indian Creek Turkey Calls - Offering pot style slate and glass friction calls from exotic wood. - http://indiancreekturkeycalls.com
Down River Game Calls - Scott Huschle offers handcrafted wooden game calls including duck, goose, crow, and whitetail calls. - http://www.downrivergamecalls.com/
Canadian Caller - Offering a line of game calls and hunting accessories. - http://www.canadiancallergamecalls.com
Blu Ridge Calls - Custom made turkey calls. Calls include box calls, slate calls, crystal calls, and owl and crow calls. - http://www.blueridgecalls.com
Vought Custom Game Calls - Offering a selection of goose, duck and officially licensed Iowa Hawkeyes game calls. Custom work available. - http://customgamecalls.com/
Feather Duster Goose Calls - Callmaker Chris Davies offering a line of handmade, custom goose calls. - http://www.featherdustercalls.com/
Mick Lacy Game Calls - Offering duck, goose, predator and deer calls in wood or acrylic. Also sells CDs teaching calling techniques and hunting accessories. - http://www.micklacygamecalls.com
Rattling Horns - Rattling antler deer calls. Made from real deer antlers with hand stitched leather and hand carved bone beads. - http://www.rattlinghorns.com/
TT Custom Predator Calls - Offering handcrafted and tuned distress and howlers, by Tony Tebbe. - http://www.custompredatorcalls.com/
Murf's Mallard Duck Calls - Offering handmade duck calls from exotic woods, and accessories. - http://www.murfsmallard.com
Calling All Fowl - Offering a variety of custom duck and goose calls. - http://www.callingallfowl.com/
The Turkey Call - Offering box calls and slate over glass friction calls as well as strikers designed to imitate the vocalizations of real turkeys. - http://theturkeycall.com
Buck Gardner Duck Calls - Offering duck calls, goose calls, and other game calls. Learn how to blow a duck call and more about duck calling. - http://www.buckgardnercalls.com
QuackerStacker Duck Calls - Offering custom handcrafted duck calls made from exotic and domestic woods as well as laminated calls and call making tools. - http://www.quackerstackerduckcalls.com/
Call Coozy - Form fitting neoprene covers for duck and goose calls. - http://www.callcoozy.com/
Foiles Migrators, Inc. - Offering goose and duck calls, accessories and related waterfowl hunting products. - http://www.foilesstraitmeat.com/
Strutn J's Game Calls - Offers a customized line of game calls, including turkey, big game, predator, and waterfowl calls. - http://www.strutnjsgamecalls.com
C Dubb Custom Calls - Handcrafted waterfowl and other game calls including, duck, goose, deer, squirrel, coyote and turkey. - http://www.cdubbscustomcalls.com/
Woods Wise - Bird and game calls and instructional material. - http://www.woodswise.com/
Hook's Custom Calls - Offering handcrafted, turkey calls. Types of calls available are diaphragm calls, friction calls and strikers. - http://www.hookscalls.com/
Louisiana Duck Calls - Offering custom Arkansas style duck calls hand turned from exotic woods. Includes a collection of duck hunting photos and stories, updated weekly. - http://www.louisianaduckcalls.com
Cane Creek Calls - Offering custom made calls, including hand-stretched designs. - http://www.canecreekcalls.com
Calltrader - Offers handmade custom turkey calls both carved and glued. Also providing call building tips and videos. - http://www.calltrader.com/
Muddy Dog Lanyards - Duck, goose, and other lanyards to hold your game calls securely. Dog leashes and collars also available. - http://www.muddydoglanyards.com/
Quacker Attacker Custom Calls - Offering handcrafted short reed and flute goose calls, as well as duck and crow calls, made from acrylic and fine hardwoods. - http://www.quackerattacker.net/
Bud & Betty Custom Calls - Offering handcrafted turkey, owl and deer calls by Russell Lynch. - http://www.budandbetty.com
Harold's Custom Strikers - Turkey call strikers for slate, glass and aluminum calls. - http://dannq.mystarband.net
All Predator Calls - Offering hunting calls for coyote, bear, fox, cougar, and other varmints and predators. - http://www.allpredatorcalls.com
Longbeard Calls - Custom made turkey calls, including longboxes, double boxes, slate or glass calls, and scratchbox are available. - http://www.longbeardcalls.com/
Kaiser Kalls - Custom friction turkey calls, photos and call galleries. - http://www.kaiserkalls.com
Bigmouth Waterfowl Calls - Offering acrylic Canadian, snow, white-front or speck goose calls and duck calls for hunting or competition calling. - http://www.bigmouthwaterfowlcalls.com
Tree Top Turkeys - Offering recorded turkey calls and call storage boxes. Added site. - http://www.treetopturkeys.com
Feathered Frequency - Offers custom aluminum duck calls with anodized stick resistive coating. Hunters and collectors models available. - http://www.featheredfrequency.com
Sure-Shot Game Calls - Offering a variety of quality game calls including duck, goose, deer, elk, turkey, and other small game. - http://www.sureshotgamecalls.com
Wing Tips Down - Hand crafted acrylic duck calls and goose calls made in Kentucky by Tony Hartlage. - http://www.wingtipsdown.com/
Midwest Turkey Call Supply - Offering custom & production turkey calls, camouflage clothing, custom turkey strikers, shotgun choke tubes, instructional aids, decoys and many other hunting items. - http://www.midwestturkeycall.com
Paul's Calls - Custom made paddle turkey calls by Albert Paul. - http://www.paulscalls.com/
Fox Pro - Offers an electronic game calling system. - http://www.gofoxpro.com
Modern Call Products - Creates, manufactures and sells wild game and predator calls for hunters, photographers, and wildlife viewing. Family owned and operated company located in Buckeye, AZ. - http://www.moderncallproducts.com
J C Products, LLC - Voice units which are inserted into wood or plastic housings, they provide applications including game calls for hunting and photography, novelty items and noisemakers. - http://www.jcproductsusa.com
Crit'R Calls - Crit'R Calls, open-reed predator calls, designed by Major Boddicker. - http://www.critrcall.com/
Top Gun Game Calls - Offering a wide variety of custom deer calls, turkey calls, predator calls and hunting videos. - http://www.topgungamecalls.com
Ray Tom Calls - Ray builds custom turkey calls that will enhance your turkey hunting experience. Ray builds slate, glass and box calls. - http://www.raytomcalls.com
My Elk Call - Elk and turkey calls to make at home. Instructions on building a reed press. - http://www.myelkcall.com/
Swan Creek Calls - Gary Thomas provides competition grade custom duck calls, mostly of cocobolo and osage orange. - http://www.swancreekcalls.com/
Watkins Duck Calls of Virginia - Custom made hen mallard duck calls by Brian Watkins. Buy calls, lanyards, t-shirts, hats and decals on-line. Make sure to check out our hunting pictures! Located in the Chesapeake Bay region of Virginia. - http://www.duckcalls.us/
Tom Teasers Turkey Calls - We hand-craft diaphragm, friction pot turkey calls and custom pot strikers one-at-a-time with over 25 years experience. - http://tomteasers.com
Grand Slam Turkey Calls - This a site that sells custom turkey calls, which are made by Fred Cox Jr. It sells wingbone, friction, and diaphragm calls. - http://www.grandslamturkeycalls.com
DSE Outdoor Products - Online source for electronic calls. Featuring predator calls, turkey calls, and deer calls - http://www.dse-outdoors.com
Roberts Brothers Turkey Calls - Roberts Brothers of Oakwood, Georgia are third generation cabinet makers and fulltime turkey hunters who manufacture glass and slate turkey calls featuring the natural sounds of the woods. - http://www.robertsbrothersturkeycalls.com
Premium Game Calls - Custom duck calls, turkey calls and deer calls by Patrick Frasier - http://www.premiumgamecalls.com/
Hally Caller Incorporated - Odor free scent eliminators and modern game calls for turkey and deer. - http://www.hallycaller.com
J.J. Lares Professional Calls - Offering duck and goose calls designed and machined by Joe Lares. - http://www.jjlares.com
DeepWoods Duck Calls - Offering custom, handmade duck calls in a wide variety of exotic and domestic hardwoods as well as acrylics. - http://www.deepwoods.net
Chamberlin Calls - Offers custom Arkansas style, single reed duck calls handcrafted from exotic hardwoods or cast acrylic rod. - http://www.chamberlincalls.com
Rut 'n Strut Game Calls - NWTF award winner Tim Sandford offers handmade custom turkey calls. - http://www.rutnstrutgamecalls.com/
Morgan's Turkey Callers - Offering a friction and box call and other hunting accessories. - http://www.turkeycallers.com/
Glynn Scobey - Hand made goose, duck, turkey, and deer grunt calls. - http://www.glynnscobey.com
Tim Grounds - Offers a variety of duck and goose calls to choose from. - http://www.timgrounds.com
IHW Custom Calls - Working and decorative calls, hand-built by Irving Whitt. - http://www.ihwcalls.com/
Custom Turkey Callmakers and Calls - A directory of custom made turkey calls and turkey call makers. - http://www.american-hunter.com/turkey/turkey_call.htm
Dad's Custom Turkey Calls - Makers of custom made turkey calls and locator calls. Offering limited edition turkey call and exotic wood made calls. - http://www.dadscalls.com
Banfields Best Duck Calls - Includes single reed Arkansas style duck calls. - http://www.banfieldsbest.com/
Preston Pittman Game Calls - World Champion turkey caller Preston Pittman specializes in turkey and big game calls. - http://www.pittmangamecalls.com
Miss Mallard Custom Duck Calls - Handmade custom duck calls for the hunter or collector. Secure online ordering from catalog featuring exotic woods such as Cocobola, African Blackwood, Bocote, Ebony and domestic woods such as Maple, Osage Orange, Walnut, and Acrylic. - http://www.missmallard.com
Custom Sawing - Offers turkey calls kits that include plans, wood, dowels, slate, glass, and springs. - http://www.callkits.com
Kwack Wacker Duck Calls - Offering signed and numbered duck calls, hand turned and laser engraved. - http://www.kwackwacker.com
Rich N Tone - Offers an wide selection of custom calls from select woods and acrylics for hunting and competition. - http://www.rntcalls.com