BladeArt, Inc. - Offers both stock and custom made knives and swords. Also offers hand painted chess sets. -
Armart - Company produces custom designed, fully hand made, reproduction ancient and Medieval style swords, daggers, knives and fire arms for collections, reenactments, theater props, and stage combat use. Staff biographies, ordering information, accepts credit ca -
George Sweeney - Bladesmith - Colonial and Frontier period knives with sheaths are featured. -
Bladegallery - A gallery of the work of many custom makers, most exhibiting period work. Includes swords, kitchen knives, folders, presentation pieces, award winning knives, damascus blanks. It also has in depth technical information and a free classified ads area. -
Toledo Swords - Company offers hand crafted, Medieval style swords and rapiers suitable for collections and reenactment events; ordering information, accepts credit cards. -
Sword and the Stone - Professional swordsmith and master armorer Tony Swatton offers a selection of weapons, armor, and fine jewelry. -
Swamp Fox knives - Hand-forged knives and accouterments in the style of the 1750-1865 American History time period; on-line catalog and ordering information. -
Omega Artworks - Gary and Susan Zahradka create hand crafted original designs inspired by fantasy with a touch of history; swords and daggers, sculpture and jewelry, walking sticks. On line catalog, order information, accepts credit cards. -
Exotic Blades - David Hesser handcrafts custom weaponry; tips and items of interest to collectors, information on upcoming events. -
Darkwood Armory - Scott Wilson custom fabricates swords, other weapons, and armor for SCA events and Faires; stock list, PDF format catalog and ordering information. -
Angel Sword, Inc. - Reproduction swords and knives fabricated by traditional methods from traditional materials by Daniel Watson. On line catalog; contact information; shops at various Faires. -
Baltimore Knife and Sword Company - Handcrafted arms and armour for stage combat and reenactments; also, chain mail and jewelry. Photos and contact information. Based at the Maryland Renaissance Festival. -