Abandon The Cart - Offers historic replica weaponry and restaurant equipment such as swords, daggers, rapiers, and armour. - http://www.AbandonTheCart.com
Bullman Cutlery - Offers multitools and Swiss Army, pocket and camping knives. - http://www.bullmancutlery.com/
eKnives - Knives, swords, multitools and personal security products. Includes FAQ. - http://www.eknives.com/
A.G. Russell Knives - Oldest knife mail order company in the United States. - http://www.agrussell.com/
Buck Knives - Manufacturer of hunting, outdoor, tactical, and everyday knives. Retailer directory. - http://www.buckknives.com/
Fox Quality Knives - New, used, vintage, for collectors, hunters, fishermen. Dealer for Gerber, Buck, Case. - http://foxqualityknives.com
Blackstocks Inc. - Includes fixed and folders, tactical, utility, and art. - http://blackstocksinc.com
Crocblades - Superstore with typically over 2,500 knives from 45 plus brands. - http://www.crocblades.com
Blade Play Knives - Large selection of hunting, law enforcement, collectibles, and some clones. Forums, general and model tips. - http://www.bladeplay.com
B & D Knives and Swords - Collectibles and tools, including Hibben, United, Harley Davidson, Spyderco, Case, Gerber, and Colt. - http://www.bndknives.com/
KnifeZone.ca - For many purposes, offers numerous brands. - http://www.knifezone.ca
Knifeman.co.uk - Specialist in Cudeman knives. Also offers budget knives. - http://www.knifeman.co.uk
Blades by Brown - Established brand knives, collectibles, and accessories. - http://www.bladesbybrown.com
Kutters Knives - Retailer of knives and accessories from around the world. - http://www.kuttersknives.com
Affilatura Fabbri Knives - Hunting, military, folders, for collection, diving, sailing. Disk forged knives, sharpening steels, grinding machines. - http://www.afcoltellerie.com/indexeng.html
Sarco Pocket Knives - New and antique, private line of Case commemoratives and groomsmen gifts. Valuation book and free monthly antique list. - http://www.sarcoknives.com/
True North Knives - Offers custom and production models. - http://truenorthknives.com
American Edge - Complete line of hard-working Kershaw knives. - http://www.jaysknives.com
Star Sales Co., Inc. - Variety includes Case, KA-BAR, Kershaw and Camillus brands. - http://starknives.com/
Lone Wolf Knives, Inc. - Created using high-grade steels, natural and manmade handle materials. Dealers USA wide. - http://lonewolfknives.com
Vintage Knives - Pocket knives from dealers with verifiable history of integrity. - http://vintageknives.com
Mikov Internet Store - Offering Mikov automatic knives made in the Czech Republic. - http://www.mikovknives.com
Kellam Knives Company - Specializing in knives including custom, puukko, folding, hunting, kitchen cutlery, and gifts. Knife forum and chat. - http://www.kellamknives.com/
Bayou Lafourche Knife Works - Collector sets and swords including Spyderco and Gil Hibben. - http://www.knifeworks.com/
Razzak - Manufacturer and exporter of all types of swords, pocket and hunting knives. - http://www.rocorpn.com
Randall Made Knives - Sheath knives, designed and forged, creating blades of the hunting, camping, fishing, bowie, outdoor, and cutlery styles. - http://www.randallknives.com/
Pacific Solution - Wholesale sword and knife importer. - http://www.pacificsolution.com
Nordic Knives - Large selection of Randall made knives, vintage and new. Custom knives also a specialty. - http://www.nordicknives.com/
Knife Site - Selection of knives and multitools from various manufacturers. - http://www.knifesite.com
Himalayan Imports - Hand-forged khukuris, the knives of the Gurkhas, in a variety of traditional and modern patterns. - http://www.himalayan-imports.com/
Exquisite Knives - Custom collectors knives, from various makers. - http://www.exquisiteknives.com/
Entrek USA - For the Entrek line of knives, includes warranty and contact information. - http://www.ennis-entrekusa.com
Dunn Knives - For hunting, fishing, trapping, use in kitchen. - http://www.dunnknives.com
Dealers Mart - Many varieties of fixed blade and folding knives, printable order form, based in Kingsport, Tennessee. - http://dealers-mart.bigstep.com
Blades from Scandinavia - Custom handmade knives and knifeblades, mostly from scandinavian artists. - http://handmade-knives.com
Arius-Eickert Co. - Hunting and sailing, chef and kitchen, custom, survival, and tanto blade folding knives. - http://www.knifeguys.com
AJ's Knives - Martial arts weapons like tonfa and nunchaku. - http://ajs-wholesale.com/
World Knives - Imports including Mercury, Herbertz, and Bulldog. Boot knives, and daggers for outdoor hunting, fishing, multi use. - http://www.worldknives.com/
Top of Texas Knives - Factory and custom knives including pocket, tactical, folders, fixed blades, and kitchen. - http://www.toptexknives.com/
Sport Knife - Sport utility knives with serrated stainless steel locking blades, belt clip, and composite handle. - http://www.sportknife.com/
Rayjay Knives - Includes Microtech, Dalton, Hubertus, and Italian Stilettos. - http://www.rayjayknives.com/
OneStopKnifeShop.com - Includes automatics, butterfly, sharpeners and accessories. - http://www.onestopknifeshop.com/
Knives USA - Production, tactical, and automatic knives, micro-lights, and sharpeners. Kershaw, Microtech, and Masters of Defense. - http://www.knivesusa.com/
Knife Pros - Provides sales of knives by manufacturers including Spyderco, Gerber, Puma, Meyerco and Benchmade knives, and sharpeners. - http://www.knifepros.com/
Knife Outlet - Includes Buck, Gerber. Also sharpeners and accessories. - http://www.knifeoutlet.com/
Knife Collection - Features knives for hunting, camping, working, throwing and collecting. - http://www.knifecollection.com/
eKnifeWorks.com - Featuring work knives and collectible pieces. Owned and operated by Smoky Mountain Knife Works. - http://www.eknifeworks.com/
Cutler's Cove Knife Emporium - Specializes in vintage factory made knives, including folders and fixed blades. Show schedule, and collector information. - http://cutlerscove.com/
BladePlace.com - Dealer of Tops knives, blades, and accessories. - http://www.bladeplace.com/
Best Knives - Manufacturers include Al Mar, Boker, Benchmade, Buck, William Henry, also law enforcement knives. - http://www.bestknives.com/
Arizona Custom Knives - Folders, art, automatics, tactical, and investment knives. Includes pictures of products. - http://www.arizonacustomknives.com/