Ten-X Cowboy Action Shooting Ammunition - Ten-X ammunition for cowboy action shooting is loaded to SASS specifications in all popular and some obscure calibers. All ammo is guaranteed and sold over the internet or at stores. - http://www.tenxammo.com
Bonus Bullets - Produces cast bullets for .45-70. - http://www.bonusbullets.com/rifle.htm
Conley Precision Cartridge Co. - A complete line of cowboy ammunition for the cowboy action shooter. - http://www.cpcartridge.com/cowboy.htm
Black Hills Ammunition - A complete product line including cowboy action ammunition, factory new ammunition, and remanufactured ammunition. - http://www.black-hills.com/
Old Western Scrounger Ammunition Inc. - New manufactured obsolete ammunition for antique Winchester, Remington and Marlin Military and metric caliber firearms. - http://www.ows-ammunition.com
Bullet Moulds for Cowboy Action Shooters - Magma Engineering adds moulds for Cowboy Shooting: .45-70, 405gr and 500gr. Three and four grove with bevel bases. - http://www.magmaengr.com/bullet_molds4.html