Equus Medical - Supplier of medical textbooks, models, bones, charts and novelty items relevant to lower extremity specialists. Includes company profile. - http://www.equusmedical.com/cgi-bin/tlsstore.cgi?user_action=link&link=mainpage
Med Books Now - Books on medicine, nursing, health sciences, and technical fields. - http://bergware.net/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/medbooksnow_home?/Z111111
Hogrefe and Huber - Titles cover medicine, psychology, surgery, neurology and pharmacology. - http://www.hhpub.com/
Idyll Arbor, Inc. - Offers books, posters, and recorded material for health professionals. - http://www.idyllarbor.com/
Elsevier Health - Professional texts for the medical, dental, veterinary, nursing, and other health professional fields. - http://www.elsevierhealth.com/
Music Outreach - Nostalgic music and singalongs on CDs, cassettes, videos and books for use with older people. - http://www.music-outreach.com/
Campus Bookstore - Books and publications dealing with coding, reimbursement, Medicare, and healthcare. - http://www.codingbooks.com/
Aesculapius Books - An educational source of manual medicine and massage, offering textbooks and diagrams. - http://aesculapbooks.com
Pocket Medical Imaging Consultant - The ordering physician's reference to medical imaging procedures. - http://www.pocketimaging.com/pocketimaging/default.asp
Sunrise Services - Medical coding and compliance books. - http://www.sunrisellc.com
CardioText - Cardiology book specialists. - http://www.cardiotext.com/
Books for Counsellors - Books on counselling, psychotherapy and personal growth issues. Based in Wiltshire, UK. - http://www.booksforcounsellors.co.uk/
Books For MTs - Medical transcription site for medical terminology, drug, disease, and lists of medical books with links to buy a medical transcription course, billing or coding course, practice tapes and medical transcription transcriber. - http://www.booksformts.com
Eagletree Press - Books and learning resources for midwifery and parenting. Workbooks, editable practice guidelines, charts, forms, and soon online courses. - http://www.eagletreepress.com
Handbooks for Health Professionals - Presents three books written by Alix Henley: 'Culture, Religion and Childbearing' and 'Culture, Religion and Patient Care', for health professionals, and 'When a baby Dies' for parents. - http://www.alixhenley.co.uk
MAG Mutual Healthcare Solutions, Inc. - Features medical billing and coding books for CPT, ICD-9-CM, HCPCS and DRG. Also offering guides and software. - http://www.coderscentral.com
Creative Therapeutics - Games and therapeutic instruments, books, and audio- and videotape presentations created by Richard A. Gardner, M.D. - http://www.rgardner.com/
JPatt Publishing - Offers titles regarding nurse practitioner issues. Includes catalog and online ordering. - http://www.jpattt.com/
Health Press - Accurate patient education materials. Health books and medical articles to assist doctors and health care professionals by giving patients access to medical information and health news. - http://healthpress.com
IGR Publications - Resource books for professionals and care providers treating individuals with a mental disorder and substance abuse issues. Written and edited by specialists in psychiatry and substance abuse. - http://www.igrpublications.com
All Heart Books - Discount medical books, PDRs, nursing physician's desk reference, medical dictionary, medical symbols publications, and medical textbooks. - http://www.allheartbooks.com
Joint Commission Resources Publications - The official educational and consulting subsidiary of the Joint Commission with publications/multimedia products including books, software, videos and online periodicals for health care organizations. - http://www.jcrinc.com/publications
Dr. Penn Inc. - Books designed for physicians and educators, regarding primary and chronic care. - http://www.drpen.com
Fonteyn Medical Books - Provides medical publications to health sciences professionals. Online ordering and subscriptions. - http://www.fonteynmedical.be
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc. - Annotated catalog of book titles, journals and software in health and behavioral medicine. - http://www.erlbaum.com/
Neurology Books and Journals from Harcourt - Publisher of books and journals in neurology for professionals, lecturers and students. - http://www.harcourt-international.com/neurology/
BooksMD - Directory for the health professional searching for medical books, magazines, newsletters, journals, supplies and medical information. - http://www.booksmd.com
Medical Bookstore - Medical coding, reimbursement and practice management information books. Published by the Practice Management Information Corporation. - http://www.medicalbookstore.com/
Medical Physics Publishing - The Modern Technology of Radiation Oncology: A Compendium for Medical Physicists and Radiation Oncologists. Books related to Radiation Oncology and Medical Physics. - http://www.medicalphysics.org/
HyperTox - Provides information in Clinical Toxicology by three authors. Designed for emergency ward management, undergraduate and postgraduate teaching of clinical toxicology. - http://www.hypertox.com/
Brown-Spath and Associates - Topics include quality and outcomes management, sentinel event investigation, and patient safety improvement. - http://www.brownspath.com
Frontline Publishing Corporation - provides educational resources for Nurse Assistants/Nurse Aides/Staff Development Coordinators in the form of a monthly newsletter, in-service guides, books and in-service training materials for the professional development of Nursing Assistants. - http://www.frontlinepub.com
Medline: A Guide to Effective Searching - A book for health professionals, health science students, and researchers. Explains the importance of MeSH (Medical Subject Headings), and publication types. - http://www.ashburypress.com/
Medical Publications of America - World's largest selection of books and multimedia on health sciences, technical business and scientific. Online catalog contains over 10,000 titles. Great discount offered on each title. - http://www.medicalbooks.com
JR Medical Books - Discount medical, nursing, allied health books and equipment. (Australia) - http://www.medicalbooks.com.au
Thinking Publications - Books and software for speech-language pathologists. - http://www.thinkingpublications.com
Hartman Publishing Online - In-service education publisher for certified nursing assistants and home health aides on OSHA, infection control, body mechanics, and Alzheimer's disease. - http://www.hartmanonline.com