Hell From Heaven - Leonard Streitfeld's account of USAF's 398th Bomb Group's bombing missions over Germany, with photos of combat. - http://www.hellfromheaven.com
In The Shadow of Suribachi - A fictionalized account of the Battle of Iwo Jima. - http://www.joycefaulkner.com/suribachi.htm
Lucky Enough - The story of a remarkable man who spent a lifetime living despite wounds that might have destroyed a less determined person. Eddie survived stepping on a land mine near Chu Lai in Vietnam. - http://www.redenginepress.com/eddie_beesley.htm
Accepting the Ashes - A book and audio CD written to help military families and veterans understand Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Written by an adult daughter of a Viet Nam veteran. - http://www.acceptingtheashes.net
Storm on the Horizon - The story of the deadliest battle of the 1991 Persian Gulf War told from a front line Marine’s point of view. - http://www.stormonthehorizon.com/
Nazi Treasure Books - Promotes a small selection of books by Kenneth D. Alford about Nazi looting during WW2. - http://mywebpages.comcast.net/kenalford/home.html
Peculiar Liaisons - Focuses on the extraordinary accomplishments of individuals and groups and how their peculiar relationships shaped the culture and politics of the twentieth century. - http://peculiarliaisons.com/
Dunkirk Spirit - Novel telling the story of the men and women who rescued an army and turned the tide of World War Two. - http://www.dunkirkspirit.co.uk/
All American All the Way - Combat History of the 82nd Airborne Division in WWII by Phil Nordyke. Using accounts of 1,000 veterans of WWII's most elite fighting division, told in the words of frontline troopers. - http://www.allamerican82nd.com
Military History of Sovereign Hawaii - The military history of Hawaii as an independent country before annexation to the U.S. in 1898. - http://www.dualent.com/books/koa/
The Ultimate Basic Training Guidebook - Intended to prepare a recruit, mentally and physically for basic training in the U.S Army or National Guard. - http://www.ultimatebasictrainingguidebook.com
Death of the Leaping Horseman - Book about 24. Panzer-Division and its combat actions in the streets of Stalingrad. - http://www.leapinghorseman.com
WWII Memorial: Jewel of the Mall - Promotes a lavishly illustrated book documenting the memorial in Washington DC, including its construction. - http://www.jewelofthemall.com
As I Recall - Account of George Tsegeletos, a former Marine who served in combat in Korea. - http://www.realreads.com/asirecall.html
Bulgarian Orders and Medals - "An exhaustive description of all Bulgarian orders and medals since the Liberation from Ottoman oppression till nowadays" - http://www.bg-ordersandmedals.com/eng/books/pavlov.htm
The Pearl Harbor Avenger - The story of USS Bowfin and other US submarines during the World War II. - http://www.thepearlharboravenger.com
A Test of Faith and Courage - Oscar B. Ladner's memoir of a WWII Combat Infantryman in Patton 's Third Army. - http://atestoffaithandcourage.com
Crossing the Sauer - Personal memoir of a WWII combat infantryman and includes a chapter, reviews, photos, and author bio. - http://www.charlesreisfelix.com/
Spirit of Angus - History of the 5th (County of Angus) Battalion of the Black Watch during World War 2. Author served as an officer in this regiment during the war. - http://www.spiritofangus.org.uk
An Eagles Eye View - The combat history of an Army helicopter in Vietnam, as told through the journal kept by its Crew Chief. - http://aneagleseyeview.net
The Autumn Marine - Dennis Chapman's story about a marine's service in Vietnam. - http://www.theautumnmarine.com/
Life in the French Foreign Legion - Evan McGorman's book on how to join the Legion and what to expect. Site includes a summary of the book and its contents. - http://www.foreignlegionlife.com/
Blood on Borneo - Jack Wong Sue's book on the Australian Military Unit, the Z Specials. - http://www.jackwongsue.com/
Destiny Ours - William Duffy's book detailing his father battle to survive the jungle and Japanese enemy, after bailing out over Malaya. - http://farrellpublishing.com/
Cobras Over The Tundra - Story of American and Russian pilots who shared the dangers of the Alaska - Siberia route during World War II. - http://www.cobrasoverthetundra.com/
For Those Who Love, Time Is Not - Kay Brigham's narrative compilation of the sinking of the U.S.S. Buck, based upon her father's World War II era letters. - http://www.kaybrigham.com/