Abhinav Exports - Books on Indian society, economy, politics, culture and history. - http://www.abhinavexports.com
South Asia Books - Distributor and retailer of rare and imported books from the Indian subcontinent. - http://www.southasiabooks.com/
Penguin Books India - Publisher's outlet for the Indian Subcontinent. - http://penguinbooksindia.com/
Vedic Books - A publisher of books from India with religious and cultural themes. - http://www.vedicbooks.com/
Oxford Book Store - Searchable, browsable site, featuring Indian titles. - http://www.oxfordbookstore.com/
Indus International - Books from India; a wide variety of subjects and a large collection on the Himalayas. - http://www.indus-intl.com
Indiaclub.com - Categorised, searchable selection of books from - or about - India. - http://www.indiaclub.com/
India Internet Book Fair - Indian books. Registration required for search. - http://www.oscarindia.com/
Eastern Law House - Publisher of law books in India. - http://www.easternlawhouse.com/
Bagchee Associates - Vendor of academic books and serials. Out of print pubilications, library services, arts, literature, history, economics, political science, based in India. - http://www.bagchee.com/
Ashok Law House - Law bookstore in India. The firm stocks books and cd-roms on a wide range of subjects. - http://www.lawbookmart.com/