Fetch-a-Phrase - Offers a template sentences and color-coded word lists for Mandarin. - http://www.fetchaphrase.com/
The American Language Reprint Series - Various word-lists, vocabularies and phrase books which were collected in the early years of North American settlement. In print and CD-ROM versions. - http://www.evolpub.com/ALR/ALRhome.html
European Schoolbooks Ltd. - Books and media in French, Spanish, Italian, German, Portuguese, and Dutch. For trade and professional customers. - https://www.eurobooks.co.uk/
Apple Village Express - Exporter of Polish books on various subjects: military, Arabian horses, heraldry, genealogy, Polish, Jewish history, art, photography, Napoleonic. - http://www.applevillageexpress.com/
Grant and Cutler Booksellers - Foreign language booksellers with resources for over 200 languages. - http://www.grantandcutler.com/
Peregrinação Publications - Poetry and fiction in Portuguese, English and biligual editions. - http://www.portuguese-books.com/
Chinese Cultural And Children's Products - Chinese cultural, language and children's books, plus movies and music. Most products are bilingual or multilingual. - http://www.bestchinashop.com/
Gujarati Books - Many books and cds with online shopping facility. - http://www.gujaratibooks.com/
European Book Company - Selection of French and German language books. - http://www.europeanbook.com/
Language Book Centre - Dictionaries, textbooks, videos, children's books and software in many languages. - http://www.languagebooks.com.au/
Strucc Books - Books of crossword puzzles in a variety of language combinations. - http://www.struccbooks.com/
French and European Publications - French and Spanish books, dictionaries, foreign language films, and learning language courses for over 100 languages. - http://www.frencheuropean.com/