A Taste of Heaven and Earth - This cookbook promises a Zen approach to cooking and eating, with 150 vegetarian recipes. - http://www.amacord.com/taste/
Shazzie's Detox Your World - Offers recipe book emphasizing a raw, vegan diet. - http://www.detoxyourworld.com
J & J Publishing - The Boxing Clever Cookbook, for subscribers of organic vegetable box schemes and vegetable growers, featuring seasonal produce. - http://web.onetel.net.uk/~jacquijones/
Instant Vegetarian Cookbook - Beginners cookbook with real time pictures explaining the steps. - http://www.123beginnerscookbook.com/
I Love Spinach - A cookbook dedicated exclusively to spinach; features over 300 recipes by Burgundy L. Olivier. - http://www.ilovespinach.com
Horseradish Cook Book - 250 recipes, plus planting, preparing, history of horseradish. - http://momshorseradish.com/
Ten Talents - Vegetarian cookbooks, charts and videos teach how to prepare and combine natural, whole foods and use natural remedies. - http://www.tentalents.net/
The Vegetarian Epicure - Anna Thomas's vegetarian cookbooks, and sample recipes. - http://www.vegetarianepicure.com/
Robin Robertson's Cookbooks - Gourmet vegetarian cookbooks and recipes by chef Robin Robertson. - http://www.robinrobertson.com/