Ponton, John - MacArthur Park. A book about growing up in the Sixties that contains the lyrics to several of the Sixties' songs and also has pictures from that time period. - http://johnponton.freeyellow.com/MACARTH3.HTM
Clark, George Thomas - Hitler Here. A biographical novel about Adolf Hitler featuring first person stories from his contemporaries. Table of contents, online ordering, and excerpts provided. - http://www.georgethomasclark.com/
Willdorf, Barry - Bring the War Home. A semi-autobiographical novel of a student activist couple attempting to organize anti-war Marines in Southern California during the Vietnam War. - http://www.agauchepress.com/
Hemingway, Eliza - The Butcher's Dog. The Russian Revolution is in full swing when ten year old Mikhail loses his family and has to take to the road to get away from the guns. - http://www.elizahemingway.com
Bruce, Charles and Carolyn - The Rebel King. A novel about Scotland's King Robert Bruce who fought the Wars of Independence after King Edward of England executed William Wallace. - http://www.robert-de-bruce.com
Muller, Richard A. - The Sins of Jesus. A novel on biblical accounts. - http://www.richardmuller.com/
Hastie, Lynn - William Weatherford: His Country and His People. A historical novel on William Weatherford; the Creek Indians; and the Creek Indian War. - http://www.weatherfordbook.com/
Elray, John - Khalifah. A colorful and informative historical novel about the beginnings of Islam - http://www.aardwolfe.com
Hasek, Jaroslav - The Fateful Adventures of The Good Soldier Svejk. A new English language translation this famous Czech novel about the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand. - http://www.zenny.com/
Beauman, Sally - Rebecca's Tale. Companion book to Daphne du Maurier's classic novel Rebecca. - http://www.rebeccas-tale.co.uk
Session, Richard - Island Woman. A young intellectual who travels to 1704 and meets Chumash Indians, Spanish explorers and Andrew Selkirk, the historical Robinson Crusoe. - http://www.richardsessions.com/
Brigham, Kay - For Those Who Love, Time is Not. A World War II true story of unconquerable love and faith. A narrative compilation of the author's father's World War II letters. - http://www.ussbuck.com
Ambros, Robert - The Brief Sun. Historical novel about Polish political prisoners freed from Siberian labor camps during World War II to fight Nazis. - http://www.thebriefsun.com
Armstrong, Tristan and Cotton, Margaret - Boudica's War. A fictional rendition of the bloody rebellion of the Iceni Queen Boudica against the might and power of Rome. - http://www.boudicas-war.com
Stanfill, Terry - The Blood Remembers. A historical novel about Frederick II. - http://www.terrystanfill.com/
France-Coe, Ray - The True Crusade. A novel about the crusades. Excerpts from the book available for on-line reading. - http://christiana-books.co.uk/TrueCrusade.htm
Pettigrew, Cinda and Warner, Robyn - Seeking the White Root, An Australian Story. Story of a woman's search for self identity by examining historical and contemporary Aboriginal and Euro-Australian society. - http://www.whiteroot.com