Octavia Jewelry - Die struck platinum and gold rings handwrought in California from post San Francisco gold rush tooling. Included are wedding and engagement rings, Celtic rings, diamond and platinum bands. - http://octaviajewelry.com
Gold Works - Custom made jewelry using gemstone, sculptures, pendants, medals and family crests by David Martin. - http://www.goldworksusa.com/
Renaissance Platinum - Offers a selection of platinum, pearl and diamond designs by Phillip Press reminiscent of the Art Deco period. - http://www.platinumrings.com/
Karen Bleifer, Ltd. - Offers custom jewelry designs in platinum and gemstones. - http://karenbleiferltd.com/
Alaska Gold Nugget - Alaskan custom design jewelry shop. The gold is mined and hand crafted by shop owners. - http://www.alaskagoldnugget.com
Design Concept Jewelry - A metal art studio specializing in contemporary gold and platinum designs. - http://www.dcjdirect.com
James Hardwick Jewelers - Offers original pieces in gold, platinum, sterling silver and gemstones. - http://www.jameshardwickjewelers.com
TheGoldenAge.Com - Offering gold and stone items made to order. In English and Italian; located in Italy. - http://www.thegoldenage.com
Orobase - Italian jewelry production and worldwide diffusion: handmade rings, bangles, bracelets, necklaces, earrings and watches. Company information and contacts, online catalog, news section. - http://www.orobase.it/
James Meyer Company - Offers original pieces in fine gold by James Meyer in Williamsport, Pennsylvania. - http://www.jamesmeyerjewelry.com/
Sergio e Rossana Corradini - Handmade gold and stone jewelry made in Rome. - http://web.tiscali.it/Corradini
Whitfield Jack Jewelry - Original sealife and nautical gold jewelry designs, including rings, pendants and earrings with pearls and gemstones. - http://www.jewelrygenius.com/
Fibula Jewelry - Handmade ancient style primitive designs in high-carat gold, fine silver and platinum. - http://www.fibulajewelry.com/