Dangerous Plants - Along with selling carnivorous plants, this company will also buy seeds and plants from growers. - http://www.dangerousplants.com
Cascade Carnivores - Carnivorous plant nursery in Washington state offering tropical pitcher plants (Nepenthes), Butterworts (Pinguicula), and Dewy Pine plants (Drosophyllum lusitanicum). US sales only. - http://www.cascadecarnivores.com
Tropical Carnivorous Plants - Offers drosera, heliamphora, utricularia, cephalotus, and pings in addition to growing kits and special soil blends for carnivorous plants. - http://www.tropicalcarnivorousplants.com/
Phantom Plants - Sells carnivorous plants, LED grow lights, and Klima-Gro indoor greenhouses. Includes some close-up photos of various pitcher plants. - http://www.phantomplants.com/
The Plant Collection - Specializes in growing Pinguicula species and hybrids. Ships within USA only. - http://theplantcollection.com/
Carnivorous Plants Online - Offers plants and seeds, with an assortment including venus flytraps, sundews, cobra lilies, butterworts, and pitcher plants. Also sells books and terrariums. Ships throughout the US. - http://www.carnivorousplantsonline.com/
Lee's Botanical Gardens - Collector and cultivator of carnivorous plants, primarily species with a few hybrids of nepenthes and sarracenia. Also offers snakes, lizards, and other reptiles. Located in Florida. - http://www.lbg-cp.com/
World of Carnivores - Offers a small range of plants, as well as food insects, terrariums, and supplies. Site provides information on care, propagation, and tissue culture. - http://www.world-of-carnivores.com/
Floralive - UK specialist nursery supplying carnivorous plants, seeds, and growing accessories by mail order and to the UK garden center trade. - http://www.floralive.co.uk/
Triffid Park - Australian wholesale and retail supplier of carnivorous plants, seeds and related merchandise. Ships worldwide. - http://www.triffidpark.com.au/
The Nepenthes Nursery - German nursery offers online sales of Nepenthes, Heliamphora and Pinguicula, as well as several other carnivorous plant species. Richly illustrated site with products listed by original habitat. - http://www.wistuba.com/
Borneo Exotics - Nursery in Sri Lanka offers Nepenthes species and hybrids, as well as heliamphora species. Online shopping after establishing account. - http://www.borneoexotics.com/
Bug Biting Plants - Offers plants and seeds of Venus flytrap, sundews, cobra lilies, butterworts, pitcher plants, and nepenthes, as well as a range of supplies. Located in New York. - http://www.bugbitingplants.com/
Flytrap Lady - Sells Venus Flytraps and related items by mail order. - http://home.earthlink.net/~flytraplady/
Carnivorous Plants for Kids - Venus flytraps, pitcher plants, and other unusual plants packaged for kids. - http://plantsforkids.com
Shropshire Sarracenias - A nursery specializing in Sarracenia pitcher plants. Also sells a variety of Venus Flytraps(Dionaea muscipula), Cobra lillies (Darlingtonia californica), Sundews (Drosera) and Butterworts (Pinguicula). - http://www.mikeking64.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/ssar/homepage.htm
Excotica Plants - Online shop for heliamphora and nepenthes. Located in Australia. - http://www.exoticaplants.com.au
Sarracenia Northwest - Specializes in growing North American carnivorous plants outdoors. Inventory includes Sarracenia pitcher plants, sundews, butterworts, venus flytraps, and cobra plants. - http://www.cobraplant.com
Fly-Trap Farm - Fly-Trap Farm grows and sells sundews, pitcher plants, and butterworts. Their specialty is the venus flytrap. - http://www.flytrapfarm.com
The CP Jungle - Sells venus fly traps, sundews, pitcher plants, and butterworts. Also sells supplies such as peat moss, charcoal, and Superthrive. - http://www.cpjungle.com/
CEG Nursery.com - Carnivorous Plant Seeds - Sells seeds for various types of carnivorous plants. Also sells venus fly trap bulb kits. - http://carnivorousplant.info/
California Carnivores - Sells plants, books, and growing supplies - http://www.californiacarnivores.com
Meadowview Biological Research Station - A non-profit organization whose plant sales help fund the preservation and restoration of rare wetland plants, habitats and associated ecosystems on the coastal plain of Maryland and Virginia. - http://www.pitcherplant.org/
Pet Flytrap - Offering carnivorous plants, as well as supplies. Includes information on plant care. - http://www.petflytrap.com
Carnivorous Plants - Sells many types of carnivorous plants. Includes a gallery of several hundred plant photographs. Ships world-wide. - http://www.bestcarnivorousplants.com/
Cook's Carnivorous Plants - Sells many types of carnivorous plants. Inventory changes from time to time. - http://www.flytraps.com/
Botanique - Specializes in carnivorous plants such as Venus flytraps, pitcher plants, and sundews. Care sheets are provided with all plants that are sold. Free instructions for building a terrarium and bog. - http://www.pitcherplant.com