Dr. Kushner's Personality Type Diet - Take a test and get a free profile of your weight-gaining eating patterns, which is the basis of Dr. Kushner's personalized treatment approach and book. Order the book online. - http://www.doctorkushner.com/
Slimming Systems - Offered is a book explaining how to detoxify and lose weight, authored by Dr Paula Baillie-Hamilton. Includes book details, a biography, news, a mailing list, and a body fat calculator. Site also in Dutch. - http://www.slimmingsystems.com
Learn-The LifeStyle Company - Assistance with weight loss and stress management. Products and self-assessment tools to aid in leading a healthy lifestyle. - http://www.thelifestylecompany.com
You Can Live At Any Weight You Choose - John Thomas describes how to control weight by understanding the emotional need for food. - http://www.emotionalchange.com
Gain Control Not Weight - Offers a book by Jennifer Klein, Getting There Staying There. A one-on-one weight management program. - http://www.gaincontrolnotweight.com
Pat Parkinson's Dermasculpture Cellulite Massage - Offers videos and a workbook to teach self massage to women to help reduce the appearance of cellulite on the female body. - http://www.dermasculpture.com
Diet Supplements Revealed - Independent review of the best and worst. Learn which burn fat fast and which are hype. Available in E-book. - http://www.aboutsupplements.com/
Wrap Yourself Slim - Contains recipes, formulas, tips and techniques to make body wraps at home. - http://www.wrapyourselfslim.com
Burn Rate Diet - Companion site for the Burn Rate Diet book. Calculate caloric needs, create meal plans, and join in discussions. - http://burnratediet.com
Do It or Diet - Reviews, success stories and ordering information. - http://doitordiet.com
Step Forward - Read summaries from this book describing a Christian focused weight loss program. - http://www.stepforwarddiet.com
Feast and Fast Diet - Weight loss program based on the cycling and timing of meals, and the selection of food types. - http://www.feastandfast.com/
Dee Wolk's Weight Solution - Weight loss program on audio tapes. Also offers a cookbook, monthly recipes, and information about the author. - http://www.thinneryou.com
Julie's Gourmet Weight Loss & Control - 14 day eating and exercise plan based on the experiences of a long time dieter. Offers sample menu items. - http://jbgourmetweightloss.iinet.net.au
Weight Loss Secrets - Self hypnosis program for the purpose of losing weight. Available on CD. - http://www.mdhypnotherapy.com/weight_loss_secrets.htm
Don Lemmon - Comprehensive nutrition and exercise program, also offers online counseling and a monthly newsletter. - http://www.donlemmon.com/
Ultimate Fit or Fat - Weight loss book by fitness author Covert Bailey, stressing that the only cure for obesity is exercise. Also offers other books, videos, and personal coaching programs. - http://www.covertbailey.com/
Jay Robb Enterprises - 224 page diet book emphasizing the need to eat fewer carbohydrates (video and audio tape version available). Also offers many other health products, supplements, and a cookbook. - http://jayrobb.com
Dr. Dorie - A 216 page book called "Don't Diet", exploring the dangers of fad diets, starving, and looking at the scale each day. - http://www.drdorie.com/
Dietary Journal for Emotional Eaters - A way to chart eating habits and identify emotions that may contribute to overeating. Offers articles explaining how eating habits are often related to particular emotions. - http://celestinesimmons.com
Richard Simmons - Fitness and weight loss infomercial products - 'Move Groove and Lose' and 'FoodMover'. Also, cookbooks, vitamins, and his other famous videos. Recipes, member's club, support groups. Buy online. - http://www.richardsimmons.com/
Health & Beyond - Free e-book based on a 21-day 'cleansing program'. Also offers recipes, supplements, and links to several health articles and newsletters. - http://chetday.com/21day.html
Metabolic Diet - A book that teaches dieters how to first assess their own metabolism and then to choose a diet that fits their own body type. Includes a chat room, information about the author, and many interesting weight loss articles. - http://www.metabolicdiet.com/
Somersize by Suzanne Somers - Celebrity Suzanne Somers offers several of her own health and diet books, fitness equipment, plus her own line of beauty and skin care products. - http://www.suzannesomers.com