Bugz-Eye International - Manufacturer and retailer of "no focus magnifiers". - http://www.bugz-eye.com/
Browsealoud - Software to speech enable web sites for people with dyslexia and related learning disorders. - http://www.browsealoud.com
Choice Technology and Training - Makes the LookOUT screen reader, Magnice screen magnifier, and offers software packages to adapt computers for Braille users. - http://www.screenreader.co.uk/
RWF Talking Software - Develops and sells talking software products that are designed to facilitate and enhance the use of computers by blind and disabled users. - http://www.btinternet.com/~rfairbairn/
Proportional Reading - Software to read any electronic book or text out loud as the text is displayed on the screen one word at a time, or one sentence at a time. - http://www.proportionalreading.com/
BrightEye Technology - Scan-A-Word reads out loud any typed text, such as magazines, books, newspapers, letters, and forms. - http://www.brighteye.com
BigShot Magnifier - Developed a computer screen magnifier to help reduce eyestrain by enlarging text, graphics, and icons. - http://www.bigshotmagnifier.com/
Baum Engineering - Proposes computer technology for blind and low vision users. - http://www.baum.ro
EconoNet International - Developer of the SimplyTalker screen reader for Windows. List of features. Time-limited demo available. - http://www.econointl.com/