What You Do With Tofu - Organic sauces designed to jazz up soy foods. With tofu facts, techniques and recipes. - http://byrdcliffecookery.com
So Good Food Co. - A vegan/vegetarian soy-based substitute for mayonnaise. - http://www.misomayo.com/
Dragonfly Foods - Makers of organic Beany burgers and Soysage, a breakfast soy sausage. - http://www.beany.co.uk
Haelan Products - Sales of and information about a fermented soybean beverage. - http://www.haelanproducts.com/
Whole Nectar - 2-lb. cans of soy protein powder smoothie mix. - http://www.wholenectar.com/
Twins Food Industries - Vegetarian food manufacturer of all natural, high protein soy and bran muffin mixes. - http://www.twinsfood.com/
Eatwell.Net - Sells BioX, Nutra-Fig, Ultra XT and a full line of GeniSoy soy protein products, including soy protein shakes, powders, bars, and nuts. - http://www.eatwell.net/
Skeet and Ike's - Manufacturer and distributor of organic soy nut snacks in 4 flavors. Also lists retail stores where this and organic popcorn can be purchased. - http://www.skeetike.com/
Joy Soy Products - Selling soy based food products including drink mixes and mayonnaise and salad dressing replacements, cereal, candy and tofu. - http://www.joysoy.com/
Genisoy - Bars, shakes and powders, and soynuts. Professional support programs for nutrition consultants and clinicians. - http://www.genisoy.com/