Cedar Nook - Offering stuffed animals, gift sets, and bath and body items. - http://www.cedarnook.com
Maine Scene, Inc. - Scenic postcards, books, calendars, cards, and souvenirs of Maine. - http://www.mainescene.com/
Oak & Ivory - Cape Cod gift shop offering Nantucket baskets, nautical prints and prints from Cape Cod artists. - http://www.oakandivory.com/
Yankee Harvest Gifts and Crafts - New England country store features gifts, crafts, foods and a complete selection of pumpkin and watermelon carving products. - http://www.yankeeharvest.com
Only in Rhode Island - Offers pottery and other crafts; relishes, johnnycake mix, and other regional foods; music from Newport festivals; books; aromatherapy products; gift baskets; and other items. - http://www.onlyinrhodeisland.com/
Vermontwares - Products and services from the Green Mountain State. - http://vermontwares.com/
Taftsville Country Store - Specializing in Vermont cheeses, gourmet foods, and Vermont maple syrup. - http://www.taftsville.com/
Vermont Specialty Slate, Inc. - Offering a variety of slate for roofing, flooring as well as beautiful handcrafted slate picture frames and for art and stencil work. - http://www.vtslate.com/
Clark's Corner - Leather moccasins, hand-painted buoy lamps, Old Salts figurines, moose toys, and other fun gifts from coastal Ogunquit, Maine. - http://www.clarkscorner.com/
Signature Maine Products, Inc. - Offering online gift shopping for Maine made products.uniquely in Maine and all ordered on-line. - http://www.shop-maine.com/
It's Made In Vermont - Variety of Vermont products offered including syrup, maple products, cheese, candy, music, kitchen accessories, crafts, and gifts. - http://www.madeinvermont.com/
Gifts from Maine - Offers Maine made items and foods including candles, wooden toys and games, dolls, ceramics, lobster and seafood. Ships worldwide. - http://www.giftsfromme.com/
Vermont One - Online shopping for local gifts, jewelry, household items, toys and food products. - http://www.vtone.com/
F.H. Gillingham and Sons - A classic Vermont general store offering gift baskets, foods, and toys. - http://www.gillinghams.com/
Shop Maine Made Products - Christmas trees, handcrafts, gift baskets, live, fresh seafood, gourmet food, buoy bells and handicrafts. - http://www.shopmaine.com/
The New Englander - Featuring gifts, decorative pieces, home accessories, outdoor products and toys from each of the six New England states. - http://www.newenglander.com/
Martin S. Shuer, Photographer - Sells Note cards, greeting cards and posters of regional landscapes and seascapes. - http://www.mshuerphoto.com/
GiftsofNewEngland.com - Sells Maine lobster, Vermont maple syrup, and Nantucket lightship baskets. - http://www.giftsofnewengland.com/
Best of New England - Extensive online shopping site for items which reflects the region heritage. - http://www.bestofnewengland.com/