DragonLady Projects - Ceramic sculptures of Rock Hatchlings, cousins of dragons and gargoyles. - http://www.dragonladyprojects.com/
Little Arts by Susie - Custom made ceramics including dinnerware, vases, jewelry, children's gifts, pitchers, teapots, cookie jars, and tiles. - http://www.littleartsbysusie.com/
raArt - Handmade collectibles include fish ornaments, dishes, wine glasses, baby seaturtle Hatchlings, and other. - http://www.raartonline.com
Paula's Ceramic Treasures - Decorative handmade ceramic treasures for home or garden by Paula Knutson. Items include ceramic lighthouses, birdhouses, garden items, spring items, baskets, candle holders. - http://www.ceramictreasures.com/
Deb's Ceramics & Crafts - Offering ceramic music boxes, holiday and baby items dry-brushed in soft pastels. - http://www.ptcnet.net/debscrafts/
Sculpture Gifts - Nautical, fantasy functional art. Shelfs, and mirrors bookends. - http://www.sculpturegifts.com/