Bushcomm - Manufacturer of high frequency base and mobile antennas. Based in Perth, Western Australia. Product information, dealer list, and used radios. Australia. - http://www.bushcomm.com/
Arrow Antenna - Mount and hand held antennas. - http://www.arrowantennas.com/
Ariane Arrays - Makes and sells 2 to 10 meters antennas, power dividers and parts. Provides assembly manuals. - http://www.ariane-arrays.com
Specialist Antenna Solutions - Specialist distributor of antenna products and wireless accessories. - http://saswireless.ltd.uk/
Rope Antenna - Single side band antennas for sail boats and powerboats. - http://www.ropeantenna.com
Isotron Antennas - Low profile, limited space HF antennas. Specifications, photographs, and reviews. - http://www.isotronantennas.com/
MG Antennas - Offers handmade antennas for the amateur and shortwave radios. - http://homepage.ntlworld.com/gena-j/mg/
HI-Q-Antennas - HF mobile antennas and coils. Product specifications and photographs. - http://www.hiqantennas.com/
Antennas & RF Systems - Offers UHF or VHF broadband vertical collinear with two, four or eight folded dipoles harness for collinear RG-11/RG8. - http://www.lambda.gr
Hy-Gain - Makers of antennas and rotators. Provides manuals, reviews and product information. - http://www.hy-gain.com
DX Engineering - Professional antenna parts for custom designs and complete commercial antennas. - http://www.dxengineering.com
Antenna Tuners b y Maxx-Com - Fully automatic, solid-state devices for all applications, including amateur radio. Specifications, prices, Internet specials, testimonials and order information. - http://www.maxx-com.com/
Cubex Quad Antennas - Manufacturer of cubical quad antennas. Photographs, specifications, comparisions, and hardware and parts lists. Order by phone, fax, or mail. - http://www.cubex.com/
Diamond Antenna Catalog - Antennas and accessories for the amateur radio enthusiast. - http://www.diamondantenna.net
Wellbrook Communications - Offers active Loop directional antennas for short, medium and long wave DX listening, including K9AY loop antenna systems. Suitable for small gardens. Order by mail. Based in the United Kingdom. - http://www.wellbrook.uk.com/
Moonraker Antenna Specialists - Manufacturer of a wide range of radio antennas and accessories. Order by mail or fax. Based in the United Kingdom. - http://moonrakerukltd.com/
Champion Radio Products - Distributor of professional tower supplies and related products for commercial and amateur applications. Includes engineering drawings and specifications. - http://www.championradio.com/
Rotor Doctor - Antenna rotator sales, service, and repair. Order by phone, fax, or email. Based in Pemberville, Ohio. - http://www.rotordoc.com/
Clark Electronics - Beverage antennas transformers. Order by email. - http://www.qsl.net/k1fz/
Tom Evans W1JC - Manufacturer of HF wire antennas for radio amateurs who have limited space. Order by mail. - http://www.qsl.net/w1jc/
Delta X-Ray Antennas - Manufacturer of HF Delta Loops and VHF/UHF ground plane antennas. Product details. Email for ordering information. - http://www.gopherlink.com/DeltaXray/
Talkabout Antennas Co. - Manufacturers of H-F multifrequency mobile and portable antennas. Product information. - http://talkaboutantennas.s5.com/
Max-Gain Systems, Inc. - Wholesaler and retailer of fiberglass for antenna construction, antennas, and accessories. - http://www.mgs4u.com/
Giovanni Elettromeccanica - Antennas and masts for military applications and ham radio. Product specifications. Based in Italy. - http://www.antenna.it/
Sommer Antennas - Beam and vertical antennas for both amateur radio and professional use. Theory and technical data, catalog, reviews, and photographs. - http://www.sommerantennas.com/
Ventenna - Concealable antenna for commercial, amateur radio, and scanner applications. FAQ. - http://www.ventenna.com/
Spi-Ro Manufacturing, Inc - Custom designed single and multiband antennas, trap dipoles, baluns, line isolators, and antenna traps for amateur radio and commercial use. Product information. - http://www.spiromfg.com/
M2 Antenna Systems, Inc. - HF/VHF antennas and accessories. Product information and technical notes. - http://www.m2inc.com/
Radio Works - Manufacturer of high performance wire antennas, current-type baluns, line isolators, and wire antenna parts and accessories. Catalog of products, antenna data and techniques, and links. - http://www.radioworks.com/